Sunday, February 28, 2010
I love that at each of the boys well baby check ups they get a new book thanks to the Dept of Education. At Owen's 3 year check-up the doctor brought in 3 books and let Owen choose. He chose this book called Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type. It was a really cute book. After Owen got put to bed early the other night Jack decided that he should have some fun "reading" Bubba's book. I love his expressions!
Posted by Lyndsay at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Awake Time
Since Ella has gotten most of the bilirubin out of her system we've noticed that she is having more and more awake time. It's been fun talking to her and seeing her be happy and content.
Posted by Lyndsay at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ella
Friday, February 26, 2010
Posted by Lyndsay at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Thursday, February 25, 2010
That's One Tired Girl!
When Ella sleeps...she sleeps. You can move her all over the place and she won't wake up. She might readjust herself and stretch, but then it's right back to sleeping. All these pictures were taken during one sleep session starting out on Daddy's legs and ending on Mama's chest.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My Girl
With that being really...I'm not sure if hurts or bothers is the right word...maybe frustrates me as a mother of two boys and then a girl that people assume that we were trying for a girl since we had two boys. Or that we are now done having kids because we finally have our girl. That's so not true! Michael and I would have been over the moon excited had it turned out we were having another boy. We weren't trying for anything other than a baby! In fact we weren't trying at all. God blessed us with this beautiful baby and we feel so lucky to have her and our two beautiful boys.
Posted by Lyndsay at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Ella's First Bath
On Monday night I decided it was time to give Ella a bath. She has so much more hair than the boys ever had and everyone loves to rub her head so it was getting a bit greasy.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Tummy Time
Ella is such a sleepy girl it's hard to get her to wake up to nurse. So the other day I decided to give her some tummy time in hopes that it would make her mad and wake her up.
It worked for a while...
Good times!!!
Posted by Lyndsay at 9:10 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Free As A Bird
Posted by Lyndsay at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Life Is Beauitful!
Ella Grace - 3 days old!
Time To Come Home!
Both Ella and I were discharged from the hospital on Thursday February 18th.
Ella did great on the way home. We even heard her snoring. She's only been in the car twice so far and she did great both times.
Posted by Lyndsay at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
Funny Stories
A few weeks ago my mom and I took the boys shopping. We pulled into the Target parking lot and started searching for a handicap spot. My mom has had both her knees replaced so she has one of those handicap placards you hang on your rear view mirror. Right when we were going to turn down a row where we saw a free spot a Dodge Caliber pulled down the row first and got the spot. He didn't cut us off or anything so I wasn't mad. My mom can be a little vocal about things like that so she said something like, "Oh you pig!" We got the boys out of the car and went shopping for quite a while. On the way out Mom and I were just chatting away when we were interrupted by Owen saying, "Hi pig!" as we passed the very same Dodge Caliber in the parking lot on the way to the car. Mom and I just busted up laughing because first we couldn't believe that Owen remembered the car and second he didn't say it in a mean way at all...I think he really thought that the name of that car was pig!
A few days ago I visited my friend Jen and I was telling her all about my recent meltdown. Owen was sitting next to me in a chair drinking and I said something like, "Sometimes the boys can drive me so crazy!" That's when Owen looked up at us and said, "I drive Mommy nuts!" It made both of us laugh. Later on that day I told Michael about that story and he said he's going to teach Owen to say, "I can't drive you somewhere you've never left" if he hears me say that again. Thanks hon!!!
We've started disciplining Jack for misbehaving by putting him in time-out. We've been at this for a few weeks and he's doing great. He never gets out of time-out on his own, he waits until his time is up. We follow the rules that Super Nanny uses. Most of the time Jack gets himself put in time-out for either hitting me or Owen. He's still trying to figure out how to express his emotions in the correct way. Anyways...once his time-out is done I talk to him about why he was put there in the first place and then he has to go tell whoever he hit that he's sorry. Almost every time I get to this part Owen comes out of nowhere and says, "Sorry Jack I no hit!" He's so cute wanting to take the fall for his brother. We've tried explaining that he didn't do anything wrong, but I think it's a little confusing for him. Jack does eventually say he's sorry though.
It seemed like we were sick pretty much for the first month and a half of 2010. During that time I was clearing my throat a lot. Owen was wondering what I was doing so I told him I just had a frog in my throat. Now whenever he coughs for clears his throat he looks at me and says, "I just have a frog!"
Posted by Lyndsay at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Owen Speak
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Baby Shower Pictures
As promised here are some pictures from my two baby showers back in January. The first shower was thrown by my friend Ellen and was held at my Mom and Dad's house.

My SIL Michelle won and her prize was perfect for her...a coffee cup!

The very next day I had another shower at my friend Kim's house. My SIL Becky and Kim co-coordinated this shower. For some reason I didn't get one picture of Kim though! :(
For some reason we didn't take any pictures of us playing the games or me opening presents. I guess when it's the 7th time you've had a baby shower taking pictures isn't a high priority. I had so much fun being with family and friends to celebrating the upcoming arrival of my baby girl. Thanks for making it wonderful ladies!!!
Posted by Lyndsay at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Hospital Visitors
We've had lots of visitors the last two days. Of course the first two visitors were Ella's big brothers!!! Ga-Ga and Pa brought Owen and Jack to the hospital on Tuesday morning. Daddy went out in the hallway to bring the boys in so we could have some family time, much like we did when Jack was born.
We thought Owen would be more excited since he's experienced this whole thing before, but he really didn't care one way or another. I'm sure he'll be more receptive to Ella once we're home though.
Ga-Ga and Pa brought the boys to the hospital the last two days. It's been nice to see them, but I miss being with my boys all the time. I'm so happy we are heading home tomorrow afternoon.
Pa got some extra time with Ella today because he came back this evening with Uncle Ryan.
It was so nice visiting with Uncle Ry and he loves that Ella has the same chubby cheeks that I had when I was a baby.
Our Pastor even dropped by to hold Ella and pray over her. She was a little hungry during this time so that's why she doesn't look too thrilled.
Posted by Lyndsay at 8:29 PM 0 comments
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