Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Sunday

On Easter Sunday we decided to go to the early service at our church and it was great. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be getting all 5 of us out of the house by 7:30 in the morning. It was totally worth it too. Church started at 8...breakfast was at 9:30 and then we were down at Ga-Ga & Pa's before 11:30. Normally we go to the second service and we don't get home until almost 1. It's always such a rush to get the boys to eat lunch and then get them to nap.
Picture perfect...they actually got up into this chair and sat together all by themselves!

This is the first time I've worn a skirt in forever. I wore it mainly because I can fit in it. I'm still carrying around an extra 10 -15 pounds of pregnancy weight and my wardrobe is severely limited right now. I'm now swimming in my maternity clothes, but my normal clothes are still a little too tight and uncomfortable. When Owen came into our room in the morning and saw me wearing this he had this funny look on his face and he said, "Mama what's that? Can I touch it?"

This is one of my favorite pictures of Owen and Pa! Owen LOVES his Pa!

It was so nice getting to see our family friends Jim and Norean since they didn't get to spend Christmas with us last year.

Uncle Ryan had a new special friend joining us this year. This is his girlfriend Stephanie. She's been such a blessed addition to his life. I've only spent time with her twice in person, but I swear we could probably talk for hours!

Ga-Ga gettin' sometime with Ella girl!

The Easter dress! Ga-Ga bought this for Ella back in January at JCPenny's. Ella also wore the petticoat that Aunt Jan made for the Tara dress, but I took it off and never got a picture of her wearing it. :(

Pa got this rocking horse...his name is Ed...back when Owen was a little baby. We had to take a picture of Pa holding Ella riding it because it reminded us of
this picture of Owen and Pa at Owen's first Easter in 2007.

I think he knew that candy was coming...I'd say he's just a little bit excited!

Norean was excited also, but not for candy...she just wanted to hold our sugar bear or as I like to call her my snugger bear. Don't ask me where I come up with these just pops in my head and it fits.

Let's wrestle with Daddy!

The boys had fun getting into the Easter baskets that Ga-Ga got them. They both got two Veggie Tales DVD's (Ga-Ga actually forgot to put those in the baskets), a Bob the tomato filled with jelly beans, whopper eggs, mini M & M's and bubble blowers!

Ella hanging out with her new lamb and her paci. Out of all our kids she has been the most in love with a pacifier. Owen liked his mildly until he was 4 months old. Jack on the other hand looked at you like you were trying to give him poison anytime we tried to put on in his mouth. Ella really likes them, but when she's done she just spits it right out and falls asleep without it.

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