Monday, June 7, 2010

Jack's 2nd Birthday!

On Sunday we had Jack's birthday party at our house. Even though the weather wasn't as nice on Sunday as it was on Saturday it was tons of fun.

I made Jack's birthday banner and it will probably stay up in our dining room for weeks. We just took Owen's birthday decorations down a couple weeks ago and his birthday is in January.
Here's the birthday boy himself! Can't believe he's 2 years old!

Here's the yummy food. Thanks to my brother Michael and I got to enjoy the party while he slaved over grill. You rock Uncle Ry!

Uncle Ry's girlfriend Stephie (Jack's nickname for her) brought all the fixing for root beer floats. My oh my does that make you feel young again. Thanks Stephie! :)

Ga-Ga with her dolly!

Camryn and Paige always have such a good time together.

Michael's Dad and my Dad just love to chat. I just noticed that the light from the window made my Dad's face looks funny in this picture. Weird!

Miss Kim and Andy got to come for a little while. Andy loves to come to "Yak's" house!

Haley and Miss Erin came too.

Tada!!! The Toy Story Cake I made! It was tons of fun to make it. I really wanted to do something special for Jack like I did for Owen when I made his Cars cake in January. I ended up finding the Woody and Buzz doll in the clearance section at Target. It came with the rocket that Sid strapped Buzz to in the first movie. And coincidentally that is Jack's favorite part of the movie. He loves to make Buzz fly!

Jack waited so patiently to get to hold "Woody Buzz"!

Nothing better than licking frosting off Woody's buns!

When it was time to open presents Owen helped pass out gifts to each of the kids that came. I found Cars, Pooh, Princess and Mickey chalkboards at the Dollar Tree. They seemed to be a big hit with the kids.

Jack got a ton of Toy Story stuff. This is a Woody character with Bullseye. He actually got two of them so we are taking one back so he can pick out another toy.

Uncle Ry got Owen a toy so he wouldn't feel left out. It's this cool Hot Wheels semi-truck that turns into a racing ramp.

Miss Kim got Jack Mickey undies (potty training is starting soon) and this cool Toy Story shirt!

Norean got Jack this Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Shoe Garage...he LOVES it!

Who doesn't love Pez?

I found this original Woody hat at the Mill Creek Garage Sales in May. Jack refuses to even let me put it on his head.

One more present...what's under the sheet Jack?

A big Woody doll and a big Jessie doll...oh yeah and real working Harley! He was too excited about the big dolls to play with the motorcycle last night, but I got him to ride it tonight. He's still too excited about his other toys and we have to work on getting him to actually steer, but once he figures it out he'll love it.

Group shot...minus Camryn and Miss Kim and Andy.

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