On Sunday we decided to brave the heat and the crowds and head to Renton River Days to hear a friend of ours play his guitar on stage. The day had it's ups and downs, but overall I would say it was a learning experience...maybe next year will be better! :) The first good thing we got was awesome parking and it was in the shade!!!
I knew the firetruck would be a big hit with the boys. At first Owen was nervous because of his previous run in with them at the parade on Saturday. Once we told him they weren't going to make noise he was more relaxed.
He loved stepping on the brake because they have air brakes so it would make this hiss sound because of the air releasing.
The kids did really well, but after a while they started wanting to go play on the inflatables that were there. This is where things started to go downhill.
This is the last picture of Owen in his blue and white sunhat...no, no my child is fine and sleeping in the other room as I type this. But his hat is sadly gone! While playing on the inflatables he lost it and Daddy didn't notice and now it's gone. I have the number to the event coordinator so I need to call and see if it got turned into the loss and found after we left, but I'm still mourning it! I know, I know it's a hat!
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