Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Pinata!

A few weeks before Owen's party I started thinking it would be fun to have a pinata....however...I didn't want to buy one. So I went online and learned how to make one.

It's really pretty easy...time consuming, but easy! First you blow up balloons and tape them together if needed. At first I wanted to make a spider and that would have been easier, but we didn't have big enough balloons...hence the reason Michael made an ant instead.

Michael decided if he was going to do this he was going to make it look as realistic as he could so he added the pinchers, antennas and 6 legs. Once you get the whole thing taped together you cut up a bunch of newspaper dip it in paper mache paste (flour & water) and start layering. You have to do 3 layers and let them dry in between each layer. That's the time consuming part!

After it's all dried you can decorate it with stripes of tissue paper or really anything you want. Michael just used some spray paint we had on hand.

Then you cut a flap on the top or whatever is going to be the top when you hang for our ant it ended up being his bum. Then you use something sharp...we used the BBQ fork and you pop the balloons inside and then stuff it with candy.

Then you drill a couple holes right by the flap and thread some twine or rope so you can hang it. It took about 4 1/2 hours for Michael to make and about 10 minutes to be destroyed, but it was SO worth it. It was tons of fun!

Here's the video of the final destruction.

If you're checking this on FB click here to see the video.

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