Saturday, January 22, 2011

Owen's Birthday Party AKA I'm Pretty Sure The Post With The Most Pictures EVER!

We celebrated Owen's birthday party on Sunday the day after his actual birthday.

His party was a bug theme...the invitations had bugs on them and so did the table. You see the centerpiece...that was the grand finale, but we'll talk more about that later!

I was going to buy a bunch of bugs at The Dollar Store, but then I remembered I had an ant punch so I punched out a bunch of ants and put them all over the table.

I made goodie bags for each of the kids and stamped bugs on the outside.

Party goers - Uncle Ry and soon-to-be Aunt Stephie...their wedding is less than 2 months away!

Pa with the birthday boy!

The playroom is always a big hang out spot for both parents and kids.

All night Owen was asking is it time to open presents. I kept having to tell him the order of things, food, spider game, cake and then presents. When I told him it was time for the spider game he booked it in from the garage. He knew he was getting one step closer to his ultimate goal! :)

I printed out a spider for each kid and I drew a spider web for the kids to stick them on. Then we blindfolded the kids and spun them around 3 times. I love how Paige is having to hold Jack back in this picture. He is always wanting to be right where Bubba is and she was keeping him out of the way.

As you can see the spiders end up all over the place! This was the first party we had ever played games at and it was a lot of fun!

Who won?

Caleb won lightning bugs...they come with tweezers that you use to pick up the gummy bugs and the tweezer has a light that turns on when you squeeze the bugs to pick them up so it looks like they light up. Seriously cool!

Time for "cake" - Dirt Cake with gummy worms!

Owen was SO happy! He absolutely LOVES the attention and he was almost giddy while we were singing...I'm going to upload a video in another post.

What he had been waiting for all night!

Owen got a Woody riding on RC car from Toy Story and miniature Buzz & Woody Cars (We have to take the Cars back because we actually already had them) from Miss Heather, Caleb & Dillon. I think that Jack has pretty much taken Woody and RC hostage. He was actually walking around the house the other day holding it saying, "I think this is mine!"

A motorcycle from Jeremy, Erin, Cameron & Haley....he loves this!

From Mr John & Miss Tricia he got two coloring sets!

I'm so sad I cut his head off in this picture, but I had to post it. He was SO happy. From Papa & Grandma Martin he got a Chevron Tow Truck!

Uncle Rick, Aunt Michelle, Avery, Cooper and Paige added to Owen's tools by getting him a power screwdriver.

Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie got Owen some very cute shoes (more for me :)) and he also got Rock Em Sock Em Robots! Michael and I had so much fun playing with this the next day!

Ga-Ga & Pa got both Owen and Jack a BIG present for their birthdays, but you'll have to wait to see that. For Owen's party he got $4 in quarters taped inside his card. Owen also got a learn to write board from our friends Jim & Norean, $10 from Uncle Jon, Aunt Becky, Camryn & Samantha and a gift certificate to Fred Meyer's from Mr Micah, Miss Kim, Andrew & Josiah!

Remember the centerpiece? Michael spent quite a bit of time making this super cool ant pinata for the party. I'm going to do a whole post on it from start to finish. At first Michael wasn't sure how it would hold up so I went to The Dollar Store and bought this plastic horn thingy that the kids could use to hit it with. I also thought if the kids ended up hitting each other it wouldn't hurt as bad as a baseball bat would.

I love how Andrew is swinging with the drill in his hands!

Go Samantha!

Aaron's turn!

Come on it who's boss!

Caleb took a few swings!

After the littler kids got a swing the bigger kids got a shot. Camryn hit it a few times.

Paige got some good swings in too!

Cooper really had some good fact he bent the horn thingy!

Cameron must of had some pent up aggression because he let it all out on that poor ant!

By this time every kid had gotten to swing at the ant so we brought out the wooden stick and let Avery got to town. One shot and the ant was done for!!! I have that on video too so I'll be posting was so hilarious!

The lute!

Our yearly tradition of getting a picture with Uncle Ry on Owen's birthday. To see the pictures from the previous years click here.
Group shot - When I really looked at this photo I thought it was funny...first off Andy is still clinging to that drill and out of 29 people of course Jack isn't looking at the camera...he's looking at Woody!!! Insert the music for...I only have eyes for yoooouuu!!!
Last photo I promise....if you made it this far you seriously deserve an award! Owen's party was a complete sucess and I have our family and friends to thank for this. We love you guys!

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