****Warning if you are grossed out by blood or medical procedures you might want to be cautious reading this!****
So yesterday morning I woke up feeling like it was going to be a bad day. I don't normally feel like this or start my day off being so negative, but it's just the way I felt. Of course I was hoping I was wrong! The day started out fine...breakfast, nap time for Ella and then I got out all my stuff to do some sewing. That's when the boys started getting into trouble by touching all my sewing stuff. So I told them that Mommy wanted sometime to get things done and they needed to go outside and play. They went out onto the deck to play in the sandbox together. Before long I hear Jack say, "My jar....he threw my jar!" I knew immediately that Owen threw whatever it was that Jack was playing with down off the deck. I told Owen that was a bad choice and he would need to go get it for Jack. He went down the stairs and then was yelling at Jack to come down with him, which I had to address that and tell him again to go get Jack's jar. I had just enough time to walk back inside and sit down and then I heard Owen screaming. My first thought was Jack had thrown something off the deck and hit Owen in the head. I go out there and Jack doesn't have his normal guilty look on his face so I ask Owen what happened and start walking downstairs. He says he hurt himself and I see a little blood on the top of his middle finger. He's really crying so I hug him and then reach out to look at his hand and that's when Owen wipes his hand on himself and I see all the blood. I turn his hand over and brush a lot of blood down his arm with my fingers. That's when I see the gaping wound and immediately squeeze his hand shut and say, "We're going to the hospital!" This is when Owen started crying more and just saying he wanted to go to bed.
I took him upstairs and washed out the wound a little, but that just made him scream more so I got a washcloth wet and wrapped his hand. Then I called Michael (new job means no time to take off) so then I called our neighbor and she came over. Owen was crying and coughing...I thought he might throw up so once Vonda got to the house I had popped a movie in for Jack and pretty much just left with no instructions at all. It was so crazy! Ella was crying...she had woke up early from her nap, Jack just wanted Mama and Owen was freaking out. Plus I was trying not to freak out because the sight of blood isn't something I enjoy very much. I was worried that Owen wouldn't do good in the car because I couldn't hold him, but he did great. Almost once we got in the car he said, "God will heal me!" I love this kid...I can honestly say that when I'm in pain that is not my first thought! I asked Owen if he wanted me to pray and we did. I also talked about how God uses doctors to help him heal people. He was very nervous and already talking about getting a pokey...aka shot! I was very honest with him and said, "Yes, they will give you a pokey, but it will make your hand feel better so they can fix it."
By this time we had been at the hospital since 10am and it was 1pm and I left Jack and Ella with out elderly neighbor and no instructions. I was super worried so I called a few people to see if they could go and relieve her, but my friend Kim was at a doctor's appt for her son and my Dad couldn't leave work just yet. So I called Michael back and ask him to go home. Thankfully his boss was really understanding and he was able to leave. It was nice to be able to fully focus on Owen and not worry about what was going on at home.
After getting our discharge papers it was off to Mary Bridge Children's Hospital 5 hours after we got there.
A little while later they came in and hook him up with all the leads that check his vitals and he got to "kiss" the thermometer. He was actually starting to like all this medical attention.
They really needed him to wake up a little before they could let us leave. He was SO out of it! The nurse had asked him earlier what color Popsicle he wanted when he woke up and he said orange. She brought it in for him and she used that to help him wake up. :) He was so funny during this time because he was talking, but not making much sense. It took him a while to come around and then he got really paranoid. He was still scared from the pokey and I told him that he wasn't getting anymore shots. I asked him if he trusted me and he said he did. He was a bit teary and I think that was just an effect of the medicine. We ended up getting home from the hospital at 10pm...12 hours after he got cut. Oh yeah when Michael got home he checked out the backyard and discovered that he cut himself on a broken baby food jar that was right next to piece of wood. That was the jar that Jack was talking about. I had completely forgotten that I had given them jars to play with in the sandbox months ago. Michael's pretty sure the jar didn't break when he through it off the deck because all the pieces were under the deck. What we don't know is whether or not Owen threw the jar and broke it or if he was carrying it and it broke when he fell.
*whimper* I feel the owie! And that is one heck of an owie. I mean he had fat coming OUT of his hand!!! Ooooo. I am glad he is okay
Poor little guy. I'm glad he made it through the ordeal ok. I've had a wound cleaned out before and I can verify that it's a slow, painful experience. It sounds like he's going to be alright though, that's certainly good news.
Poor Owen! What an ordeal! Thankfully, we have't had any Er ordeals yet **knock on wood**, but given both of your experiences, I will drive the extra 15 minutes and just got to Mary Bridge! Glad he is ok, and on the mend.
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