Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall, Fall...Where Art Thou Oh Fall!

I know I'm probably going to get a tongue lashing for this, but I'm kind of done with summer! I know we didn't have the greatest summer and it started pretty late, but I'm over it! It is September 23rd and I'm ready for colder weather. I'm not a native Washingtonian....we moved here from Wyoming when I was 5 years old, but really since I've lived here most of my life I feel like I am. I am one of those people that enjoys every season and the changing of the seasons. Once winter is over I'm ready for spring and once spring is over I'm ready for summer and so on. Right now my body is CRAVING fall! The crisp morning air, the chill in the air and the blue skies that for some reason always seem more blue to me in the fall than any other time of year. I'm ready for the leaves to change, I'm ready to wear long sleeve shirts, I'm ready for drinking nice warm tea, I'm ready for pumpkin patch visits and tractor rides, I'm ready for fall decorations and Halloween candy. I LOVE fall...summer you can hit the road!! Now don't get me wrong I do love the sun even in the fall just not the heat I want a chill in the air. One thing I do not like at all though is rain, but you have to take the good with the bad sometimes.

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