Friday, September 23, 2011


I'm not sure if I've mentioned it on the blog before, but we joined The Y back in August. It was something that my therapist mentioned could be fun for us as a family. I went online and got a 3 free day pass and we went to check it out. While we were there we found out that they have financial assistance so everyone can come and money won't be an issues. We ended up saving 50% off the regular monthly rate!!!

My new workout outfit courtesy of my Mom!

One of the things I've really wanted to do for a long time now is Zumba. I'm not a super coordinated person, but I do love to dance...not that I really know how to dance per se, but I love to get up and shake it I guess. Dancing it always my favorite part of weddings! Anyways I've been going twice a week and I love it! It's a lot of fun and there are tons of people there. Some people are really good and you can tell they've been doing it for awhile and then there are newcomers too. It doesn't really matter though because no one is watching you they are too busy watching the instructor and trying to get the moves right. I have been loving getting my heart rate up and I'm glad it gives me some stress relief. I can't say I feel like I've lost weight...I don't really feel like I need to anyways, but my goal is to get myself a little more toned.

As for Michael he's been enjoying working out on the machines. The Y we go to is pretty new and the kids area is really nice. Owen loves it, but Jack and Ella cry every time I drop them off. I'm hoping that soon they will get used to it. We have taken the kids swimming once during open swim time and they had a blast. We are hoping to put them in swim lessons this winter.

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