Saturday, June 30, 2012

My Little Chefs!

While I was pregnant with Zeke I took quite a few naps during the day to survive. Twice while napping the boys got into my spices and a bunch of other things to "cook". Needless to say this Mama was none too happy about that! I know I know it was partially my fault since I was you know...napping and not watching them! Anywho...on Thursday I thought it would be fun to embrass the kids curiousity (it is a wonderful thing) and let them be chefs.

I got them each a bow, wisk, wooden spoon, measuring cup and measuring spoon.

As for the ingredients I just went through the pantry and picked out things that I either don't really use or there was just a little bit left of.

They had black beans, paprika, flour, turkey gravy mix, Grape Nut Flakes and barley baby cereal.

It was fun giving them all these different things to put together by measuring them out and all the ingredients had different textures too.

Just a smidge of paprika!

Seriously this kept the boys busy for probably close to an hour!

Silly chef!

Once they were done adding in the dry ingredients they added water and got to mix it all together.

This little adventure did produce a bunch of dishes and a bit of a mess, but the boys were really good about helping me clean up. The best part...I got to hear, "I love you mommy!" at the end of it all.

After the mess was all cleaned up I even decided to sit down and teach the boys how to play Uno! It was fun and if you couldn't tell we were on a TV strike for a bit. It felt really good to not have it on and actually DO something rather than sit there and and veg out!

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