Sunday, July 1, 2012

One Month Check Up!

Last Tuesday I took Zeke in for his 1 month check up. He weighed in at 9lbs exactly and was measuring at 21 inches. Cute growing boy!

As you can see from the picture this cutie has a terrible case of baby acne. Poor guy! He also has a bit of craddle cap too. We've been rubbing baby oil on his face and then brushing it with a soft brush to get the excess flaky skin off. I've also been rubbing Cedaphil lotion on it twice a day too and that seems to help. Thankfully it doesn't seen to bother Zeke and the doctor said it would clear up by the time he's 3 months old.

Since Zeke is bigger now the doctor said I can let him wake up when he wants to at night now. Before he would just sleep and sleep and sleep so I would set my alarm and wake him up to feed him at night. The first night of letting him wake himself up I couldn't make it...I was in so much pain I woke him up just so he could relieve my engorded breasts. However, that turned out to be a huge mistake! He wasn't all that hungry so he was a lazy eater and swallowed a bunch of air...can you say gas! It ended up turning into a 2 hour ordeal! Lesson learned! The next time I let him wake up on his own and it was much better! On average he sleeps for 4 - 5 hour stretches at night. A couple times he's gone as long as 7 hours!

He is having more awake time, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's happy awake time. He's happy for a little while and then he wants to be held or wrapped up in his blanket and snuggled. He LOVES to be wrapped...not tight, but he does love having the blanket around his torso and up by his face. He thankfully loves any and all baby contraptions - bouncing chair, swing, boppy, playmat and car seat...all of it! PTL! He would sleep all day in his swing if I let him.

The newness of him hasn't worn off with the kids. They all still love to kiss him and hug him. Owen is particularily fond of him and wants to touch his face and nuzzle him. Sometimes when Ella gets hurt or is crying she will say, "I need Z!" and then she has to hug him. As for Jack he doesn't feel the need to love on him as much, when he does want to hold him it's so funny because it last all of 2.5 seconds!

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