Saturday, December 22, 2012

7 Months Old!!!

My Zeke Man is 7 months old today! Seriously...what is going on!!! How can that possibly be???
So what is Zeke Russell up to...
- He is eating like a pro. He eats 3 meals a day and will eat almost a whole jar of baby food at each meal. He knows what he likes and doesn't like though. He could eat peas at every. single. meal! He can not stand bananas. If he doesn't want to eat what I've made for him he will just lower his head, cry and not open his mouth until I get him what he wants. We are SO in trouble!!!
- He is nursing about 5 - 6 times a day. He gets distracted really easily so it can still take up to 20 minutes to feed him. Sometimes he thinks that sucking his thumb is more important that nursing and that gets a little annoying!
 - He has discovered his feet! I love this stage! He will just grab them and try to rip his socks off or bite them. It's so cute!
- He is FINALLY rolling over from his back to his belly. He still won't do it when he's in his crib though so one of us has to go in there and flip him over to his belly.
- He is teething like a mad man! All that acidic drool has made his poor face all red. I've tried putting cream on it to see if it will get better, but nothing really does. It's hard when he's drooling all day and then when he sleeps he drools and his face lays in it.
- He is the only one of our kids to still have a concave chest like Michael. Ella had it when she was first born, but it slowly faded. The Dr thinks Zeke's is here to stay.
- He is starting to babble a lot. He makes squeaky noises and fake laughs and then sometimes I swear he's telling off his toys. The other night he was babbling and he was saying "Da da da da da"...we've also heard him say what sounds like "Ella" before. I love hearing his little voice.
- He is really starting to get into toys. By far his favorite toy right now is one of those infant Tylenol containers with the dropper. He loves to chew on the part you squeeze for the dropper.
- He is a good sleeper. He goes to bed around 8 and then is usually up around 6:45. Before daylight savings time ended he was sleep from 8 until 7:30 though. He still takes two naps a day. His morning nap is from 9 - 11 or 11:30 and his afternoon nap varies, but on a good day he'll sleep from 1:30 - 4.
I can't believe he's been in our arms for 7 months now. It's crazy how time flies! I love this little boy to bits and I can't wait to see him grow and develop even more!

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