Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Tooth Fairy Doesn't Visit Here!

Look who has a wiggly tooth!
So wiggly in fact that Daddy tried to get it out. just wasn't ready yet.
It was really, really loose though. So loose that on Friday December 14th Daddy was able to get it out.
It's so cute to see the gap in his teeth. The funny thing is there isn't another tooth growing in yet so I'm not sure why it was wiggly in the first place. It also seems young to lose a tooth at 5 years old. I didn't lose my first tooth until I was 7.
As for the title of this post...Michael's family didn't do the whole tooth fairy thing they put the tooth in water and it "grew" money for a week. Once the week is over the tooth "disappears" and it's all done "growing" money. It's fun for the kids...they love coming down in the morning and seeing how much money it grew overnight.

After a week Owen's tooth had grown $4.17!!
Owen's other bottom tooth is already wiggly so I'm sure he'll be "growing" more money within a month or so!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute idea! We don't do the Tooth Fairy thing here either. We still put the tooth under the pillow, but Elliott knows it's mom and dad who give him the money : ) Elliott was 5 & 1/2 when he lost he first seemed young to me too! I think there's a wide age range, just like teething. Elliott lost two teeth on the top on the same day, and now one has the new tooth completely grown in, and the other, hasn't even poked through the gums strange! Doesn't the whole loosing teeth thing make them seem SO old!?!?
