Friday, March 1, 2013

Disney Crafts!

Like previously mentioned I want to try to use my craftiness and make a bunch of fun Disney inspired stuff for the kids for our Disney trip.

Thank you Pinterest!!!

I found this idea where a lady made Princess inspired bags using bags from the Dollar Tree, tulle and ribbon.

 After visiting the Dollar Tree and Joann's I was ready to get crafting. Okay well first I had to wash the green bag because for some reason it smelled brand new rubber tires! Yuck!

Then came the hot glue and lots of it...I think I used 3 sticks for this one project. Let me tell you it is not easy to hot glue tulle. 

Add the sequin ribbon and now Ella has a Tinkerbell bag. I probably should have done another layer of tulle, but did I mention it's hard to hot glue tulle...oh I did! 

While I was getting the tulle at Joann's I just happened to find this Tinkerbell Tutu kit. It was originally $12.99, but I had a 50% off coupon. Saweeet! 

Miss Kim wasn't able to come to Ella's birthday party since you know she just had a baby! On Monday she gave Ella her present which was an Ariel Barbie pool for her Barbies and this cute Minnie Mouse purse you can decorate. While Ella was distracted with the Ariel pool I had Kim keep this purse hidden. It will be great for the trip! 

Below are some pictures of the things I mentioned that I got at the Dollar Tree the other night.

Coloring kits for the boys. 

Mickey pens for their autograph books! I think I'm going to actually punch a hole through their books so I can attach the pens so they don't get lost.

I've read on lots of sites and heard from other people that the glow sticks at the Dollar Tree are an absolute must when going to Disneyland. I of course got 3 so each of the big kids will have one. Then I got a pack of bracelets. To finish out this shopping trip I got those compressed washcloths and anti-bacterial wipes. 

If you have any suggestions for in regards to traveling with kids on a road trip, going to Disneyland with small kids or maybe suggestions of places we should stop or eat at on our way down to Disneyland....feel free to put your two cents in!!!

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