Saturday, March 2, 2013

New Belts!!!

A couple weeks ago the boys had testing at Taekwondo. Ella wasn't ready to participate in testing this time since she has only been going for about a month.

Getting all lined up and straightened out!

Jackson getting his Junior Orange belt from Miss Kelsey!

Owen getting his Junior Yellow belt! 

Owen was so excited to get his new belt on he had to run over right away. 

 Standing in line with all their new belts! 

Proud of my Big Boy! 

Andrew was over the moon about getting his new belt! 

So proud of my Jackers! 

The whole time I was over taking pictures of the Taekwondo kids Logan and Zeke were so good just sitting across the gym! Logan kept talking about her belt even though she doesn't have one, but her made up belt was pink! So cute!

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