Monday, August 26, 2013

Casper Babypants!

My friend Kim posted online that she was taking her kiddos to see Casper Babypants down at a park in Kent on a Wednesday morning. Now I know this might seem funny since I had 4 fours, but I had NEVER heard anything from Casper Babypants prior to this. In fact he could have been a person dressed up in a purple dinosaur costume for all I knew. One thing I did know is that Logan LOVES Casper Babypants!
I packed a lunch for the kids and I and we set out for the park. We had to park across the street from the park so I was talking to the kids about the proper use of the crosswalk. I told them when they see the red hand that means stop and when they see the white person shape walking then you can walk. Well I forgot that the person walking only shows for a couple seconds and then the red hand starts flashing. This is when I wish I had had a video camera! Jack was holding Logan's hand and look behind me and he is so confused! He kept looking at the sign and then taking a step and then stopping and then taking a step and then stopped. It was absolutely hilarious. Poor kid would have been stuck in the street all day!
There are certain places I'm fine taking Logan, but into a crowded area like this I get nervous. See Logan tends to wander and since I have so many kids to look after that can be a problem. Plus my kids don't wander so I'm not used to a wanderer! Anyway later on while I was with the kids at the water area of the park she wandered! Thankfully Kim's husband Micah saw her heading towards the stage and I was able to run and grab her. Talk about scary!
As for Casper Babypants he was great! Loved his music and his high energy! It was funny in the van before getting there Ella just casually said, "Were going to see Casper PeePeePants!" After that we just started making up all sorts of funny names like Casper Peanut Butter Pants and Casper Fur Pants. It was funny!
Zeke Man enjoyed the music and the food!
It was bright and of course I forgot the sunhats!
While we were still listening to the music I let the kids run down not far from me and dance around. It's fun seeing all the kids jumping around and enjoying themselves!
Then the boys were tired of music and wanted to play in the water!
The older boys had so much fun getting drenched which is not normally like them!
This is the day that Zeke finally decided that walking might be a good thing afterall. He did not want to crawl or sit in the water so he decided to toddle around. Finally!!!
After almost losing Logan I decided that she needed to stay close to me and I pretty much wouldn't let her go more than a couple feet from me. You know it's awful to lose your own child, but it's another thing to lose someone else's kid! about give me a heart attack!
In the end Ella and Zeke were in full on meltdowns and I was trying to pack us up and then I had to get across the street with all of them. It was a bit of a disaster...thankfully once we got home it was nap time!!!

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