Sunday, August 25, 2013

New & Improved Lego Table!

I don't think I ever blogged about the Lego table that Michael made for the kids. Really it was just their train table raised up so Zeke couldn't get to all the little pieces. The thing is...I have lazy children! They don't like to stand up and play with Legos...they want to sit down. So the Legos usually ended up on the floor anyway. Also after numerous times of opening and shutting the drawers to the train table they completely fell apart. Darn particle board!
Away back in July when Michael and I went on a date for his birthday we left my Mom and Dad's house a different way than we usually do and we stumbled across a coffee table that was for free. I had Michael put it in the back of the van knowing we could use it for something.
I didn't take a picture of it before Michael started making adjustments, but I think you can imagine it without a hole in the middle. Side note: I got the 2014 IKEA catalog the other and this coffee table is in there...$110! For FREE! :)
To make the change from regular old coffee table to Lego table Michael cut a hole in the top and then put some trim pieces around the edge to keep the Legos from falling off.
Then I used some of that Command adhesive to adhere a Lego panel to the cut out piece to cover it better.
Under the cut out piece is an IKEA bin that I got for $2. That way clean up can be easier...just push the Legos that you were playing with into the center. But how to get the Legos out?
I had a couple spare scrabble tile holders so Michael adhered those to a couple pieces of wood and the bin just slides in and out.
$2 for the bin and $5 for the trim pieces and ta da a new Lego table!

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