Thursday, September 12, 2013

Camping Trip!

Before all this chaos with school started we unofficially ended our summer with our annual camping trip with the Meyer clan at American Heritage. Michael had to work a half a day on Friday so it was up to me to pack the van. Those of you that read my blog off FB have already seen these first few pictures. I'm still amazed that I was able to pack everything we needed in the van.
Our friends weren't actually going to make it camping until Saturday afternoon so that meant I had to pack quite a bit more stuff in regards to cooking food. They have a nice RV, but that wasn't going to be available to me. Another thing was I wanted to bring our motorcycle for the kids. Last year Fred & Jenn's son Grayson had a blast riding on the motorcycle with the bike trailer attached to it and the little kids would ride in the trailer. It was great fun!
There was literally stuff everywhere!
The van was stuffed!!!
Once we got to the campsite we had to set up. We stay in a cabin next to the site the Meyer's have for their RV. I always set the coolers on the porch of the cabin. Zeke thought this was the greatest thing ever. He spent almost the whole time we were unpacking up on top of the coolers growling!
The cabin is quite small, but it's big enough for us. We love it! I know that when the boys get bigger they'll have to sleep out in a tent, but right now it works for us.
Last year Owen got to sleep on the top bunk by himself so this year it was Jack's turn. Next year Ella will get her turn!
When packing toys for the kids I knew that balls would be Zeke's favorite!
Taking a rest! During this trip Zeke's walking really improved because of all the uneven terrain.
After we set up we went to dinner at a local restaurant and then spent some time with friends that live close to the campground. We promised the kids a fire so even though it was late we kept our promise.
There is something about getting kids all dressed in warm jammies and sitting in camp chairs around the fire! It was a fun!
Even though we don't sleep in a tent we always bring an air mattress for the kids to jump on. It's hours of entertainment!
Chilling out!
When Fred & Jenn got to the campground on Saturday they brought their homemade corn hole boards with them. This was hours of entertainment for the adults. I played a few times and lets just say it's not my forte!
We mainly stuck close to the campsite this trip, but we did walk the kids up to the playground once.
Michael also took the boys swimming for all of 5's not heated and they are wimps when it comes to cold water.
We also missed the hayrides both nights! :(
The kids did spend plenty of time riding around on their they were entertained!
On Saturday night Jenn went all out and made this awesome feast for us. Her sister Zirah and her boyfriend Jeremy also came camping and they hadn't been able to celebrate Zirah's birthday with her so this was a late celebration.
There was crab, clams, sausage, potatoes, corn all with garlic butter for dipping! It was amazing! The best camping food ever!
A pot full of empty shells!
Sun setting on a great day!
Sunday wasn't the best day...mainly because I was super moody! Thankfully Monday morning was great! Of course our 3 day weekend was over all too soon and it was time to pack up.
When we got home the kids were watching Curious George in the van and we just let them hang out in there while we unpacked the van. It was the best idea!
Rather than having kids run all over the place getting in the way they were strapped in and we were able to get everything unpacked and put away!
Next year Michael might take off a couple more days and we might stay for a longer weekend. 3 days just doesn't seem long enough!

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