Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jack Is Going To Kindergarten!

A bit surprising huh?
When we first decided to send Owen to school I thought about sending Jack, but all day kindergarten cost $250 a month and we couldn't afford that. Plus I wasn't even sure if I wanted to send Jack to all day school. Half day wasn't really an option since I wouldn't be able to pick up on by 11 on Tuesdays because of MOPS.
Enter us actually sending Owen to school and now Jack doesn't have a buddy to play with. Also the closer the date to me starting to homeschool the more I didn't want to do it. Let me explain...Monday's...oh Monday's were going to be a pain in my behind. First I would need to take Owen to the bus, then the other 4 kids and I would go to Miss Kim's for breakfast and homeschool. Halfway through homeschool I would have to leave to take Logan to preschool and then come back to homeschool. Then once homeschool was finished the kids would get to play for a bit and then go pick Logan up from preschool. We'd go home for lunch, naps and then go pick Owen up at the bus stop. My day was going to be so freakin' crazy just the thought of it almost sends me into an anxiety attack. Needless to say for my sanity I needed to simplify my schedule.
So this morning I got to thinking that maybe I could send Jack to half day kindergarten and maybe I would see if they had a sort of lunch group he could participate in so I could pick him up later on Tuesday's or maybe they would be okay with me just keeping him out of school on Tuesday's all together. Can you tell I'm not willing to give up MOPS! :) Anyways after we got Owen on the bus I called the school to inquire about those options and to my surprise she informed me that a week before school started they changed all day kindergarten to no cost! I knew they had done that for the Highline district, but I didn't hear anything about Federal Way. I was so excited!! First though I had to ask Jack. I really wanted to see if this was something he was okay with. He was playing in the sandbox with Ella and I called him over and asked him if he wanted to go to Owen's school and ride the bus and be at school all day. That's when he looked at me all shy and nodded his head!
So around 11am this morning we headed to school and I filled out the enormous amount of redundant paperwork and registered Jack for kindergarten! Once Michael got home from work Jack and I made a trip to Fred Meyer's and picked up his school supplies so he's all ready to go to school tomorrow! Then we went home and got the rest of the family to go out and do something fun. Since we went out to Red Robin the day before Owen started school I thought we should do something fun for Jack as well.
I have been wanting to take the kids to Yogurtland for awhile now and this was the perfect I have a buy one get one free coupon!
It was fun going out and celebrating our precious Jackson.
It's going to be so weird to be at home with just Ella and Zeke....Logan of course will be here too except on Friday's.
As for this little girl she is so excited to be at home with Mama. We'll see how she feels tomorrow when we drop BOTH boys off at school! As for homeschooling we won't be doing that as in depth since Ella is only 3. We are still going to meet at Miss Kim's house on Friday so there will be one formal school day. The other days I will just work with Ella a bit on the basics.
I'm actually glad that it worked out so that I didn't find out about free all day kindergarten until now because Owen got his special time at school for a bit and now Jack gets his. Plus the novelty of school is starting to wear off for Owen so I hope this reignite the newness of it for him since he'll be the big man on campus and he can show his little brother around. There classrooms are right next door to each other and they will have recess together.
My precious boy! I didn't cry when I sent Owen to school, but I might shed a tear tomorrow. There is such a difference between 1st grade and kindergarten!
After enjoying our yogurt treat we drove to a near by park and had some fun!
The kids were so excited about stopping at a park. I'm thinking it had to do with the fact that the last time they asked to stop at a park and we stopped at one, they complained about it so we just went home without playing.
I seriously don't think this kid could be any more messy! Today he has smeared peanut butter and jelly in his hair, gotten Cheetos all over his shirt and he was dripping with frozen yogurt! He's a mess!
Finally a non-goofy faced picture of my boy! He's so handsome. When I think about his school pictures I'm honestly afraid of how they are going to turn out.
Adventurous little girl on a mission!
It's been a crazy day planning and getting ready! Tomorrow I'm going to do all the first day of school things with Jack that I did with Owen. Also I'm going to walk the boys to school so I can meet Jack's teacher and help him get settled. Then tomorrow afternoon Jack will get to ride home on the bus with Owen. Our new normal is about to change again!  

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