Thursday, October 31, 2013

Baby Jesus Advent Calendar!

Last year I pinned this idea and wanted to make it, but I just didn't have enough time. This year I was determined so I started WAY early! 

This was the biggest piece of felt I had on hand. I didn't really want to use white, but I also didn't want to use a dark color for the background either. 

All trimmed and ready to be made into something cool! 

Next I brought out my Big Shot and used it to cut out a bunch of letters and numbers. 

Then I cut out everything else just by looking at the pictures online. It was a lot of work, but it was actually really fun. 

I was super glad I had kept a bunch of felt scraps...they definitely came in handy! 

I was able to cut out all the pieces for the advent calendar during one afternoon. 

The next day was all about glue, glue and more glue! Surprisingly I only burnt myself once! 

For Mary and Joseph I needed to make them a bit more sturdy since they are going to travel up the advent calendar. 

I ended up gluing them onto a piece of hard white felt that I had one hand. 

Baby Jesus I was worried would look a bit cheesy, but I think he turned out really nice. The the back of both Baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph I attached a small piece of Velcro so they can stick and then be removed. 

Photo bomb! 

All done! Well almost...I ended up needing to put two pieces of white felt together since it was a bit see through. So the only thing I have left to do is stitch up the sides with some embroidery thread. It took two days from start to finish and I'm still really impressed with how well it turned out. The kids are all very excited to get to move Mary and Joseph closer to the stable where Baby Jesus will be born!  

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