Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy Halloween...Better Late Than Never Right!

It's November 13th and I'm just getting around to posting about Halloween night....geesh! That's what happens when a) you try to cram as many appointments into the the month of November as you've planned for the rest of the year combined - b) your modem goes out - c) you get a cold that puts you down for almost a week! 

Here we go! 

We drove down to Ga-Ga & Pa's per our usually tradition. The kids were surprisingly not hounding us to go...we actually had to tell them it was time to put their costumes on. This time around Ella's hair got sprayed black. Let me tell you that hairspray is the stinkiest stuff! Even after it dried it was awful walking behind her it smelled so bad. 

Zeke was all ready with his Halloween bag that Ga-Ga bought him. Of course she got the other kids their own bags too. Owen's is a Skull, Jack's is a Spider, Ella's is a Witch and if you can't tell Zeke's is Frankenstein. 

Off we went! There are quite a few houses that are empty in my parents neighborhood so we had to go about 4 houses before there was one with a light on. 

Zeke was all fired up to go. He was walking so fast. It was so cute though when he would walk across someones driveway he would almost fall over because of the slight slope from the driveway down to the street. 

Another funny thing that happened was to me. There is a house around the corner from my parents and they go all out with the decorations. We were walking up to it and the kids said something about being scared so I started humming the music to Ghostbusters and singing the song. I was walking under this garden canopy and I was singing the line, "I ain't afraid of no ghost!" and at that exact moment I heard a voice say..."You should be!" It was the homeowner hiding next to the canopy dressed up at Jason with a hockey mask! It was so freaky, but hilarious at the same time. The timing was PERFECT!!! Later on when we were across the street there were some older kids coming up to the house and he was standing in the lawn and he literally started up a chainsaw!!! I'm sure there was some kids that about peed their pants! 

After walking around Ga-Ga & Pa's neighborhood the kids had plenty of candy! 

I will say it did seem like people were a bit more stingy with how much candy they were giving out. I'm thinking next year we won't start as early. It seems like later they are more willing to give more since they want to get rid of it then! 

Pirate boy with all his bounty!!! 

Zeke was so cute walking up to the doors. I had to hold his bag, but he loved reaching into the bowls and picking his own candy. Of course if they held the bowl there for too long he'd just keep going back for more. He's so cute that no one seemed to mind! 

Before we headed home we had to get that black hairspray out of Ella's hair! It was crazy how messy it was. I pretty much had to clean the bathtub out since there was this film of black residue all over it.

If you follow me on FB you've probably seen this picture already. This was the pile of candy wrappers that Ella and I picked up off the sidewalk/street in our neighborhood on our walk to and from the bus stop the next morning! Ridiculous!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I think the candy wrappers were probably left behind by unsupervised teens. No parents with them to admonish them about littering. Still not right though!
