Saturday, January 4, 2014

My New View!

The Friday after Christmas my cousin and his crew came over to take down our big blue spruce in the backyard. You'll remember I mentioned it a while back because a huge chunk of it broke off during a wind storm.

The kids came out to see all the crew setting up. They watched for a little bit, but then it got too loud so they went in. 

Here's the tree! 

And the cutting begins! 

And the chipping begins....lots and lots of chipping! 

Branch by big branch! 

There were 3 other guys working with my cousin and they were working so hard dragging those branches over to the chipper and just keeping the mess under control! 

Getting slimmer! 

Almost no more branches! 

Just a trunk! 

Towards the end the chunks that were being cut off were quite was fun watching the action! 

Action shot! 

And here's what's 8ft stump! Michael wanted the trunk left like that because he's going to build the kids a treehouse on top of it. Michael's already drawn up plans for it. There's going to be a ladder with a hatch and we are going to connect the play house with the treehouse via a bridge. Lots of fun stuff! 

The only thing I my new view from my kitchen window! Boo!!!! I loved seeing the tree and not seeing our neighbors or the street behind us. The worse part though...we can see the Golden Arches now! We are going to plant a fir tree down by our neighbors fence, but since our house is on a hill it will probably take 10 years or more for the fir to be high enough to block out this view. 

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