The last couple times I've gotten my hair cut Ella has been mentioning how I like my hair short, but I like her hair long. I got to thinking that she might really want her hair short, but she's afraid to ask since she was sure I only liked her hair long and she didn't want to disappoint me. So the next time she said that I said that I love her hair long, but I'd also love it short. I even reminded her of when we had her hair cut short after her brain surgery. They had to shave her head so it was all uneven and we were getting family pictures taken.

Bridgett did such a great job evening it out. Oh my goodness the kids are so young here!
Anyway after I said that she was sure she wanted her hair cut short like mine. I told her the best thing about hair is it always grows back! She was all for it!
On Thursday we went to Bridgett's to get her hair cut and mine as well. She wanted me to go first so I did. She got a little impatient toward the end, but watching someone else get their hair cut isn't the most exciting thing in the world. Bridgett has toys, but Ella didn't want to play with them. I should have had her bring a pad of paper and her markers. That's all this girl needs to keep her entertained!
Look at that frizzy hair!
In the big chair all ready for a change!
Here my girls is! We didn't go as short as I thought we would, but this was a big change so I think it's good to go slowly.
Happy girl ready to get home and show Daddy and the boys! Of course Daddy and the boys loved it!
The more I see her hair the more I love it! Such a cute length!
I did ask her the next morning if she was happy with the length....did she wish it was still longer or a little shorter or if she like it just the way it is? She pulled her hair up in the back and said I wish it was like this. She honestly wants it as short as mine!!!
We'll see how she is over the next couple months and maybe just maybe when I get my hair cut again in August we'll take it even more shorter!
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