Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Point Defiance Zoo!

I also found this post in my drafts that I forgot about....oops! 

 During the summer Michael took a day off and we used our passes to take the kids to Point Defiance Zoo as a family.

Ready to head in for a day of fun! 

We got to the zoo right around lunch time so the first order of business was to eat. We went down to this grassy area set up the blanket and sat down. What we didn't know was that this area of grass was kind of swampy. Oops...I think I was the only one that actually had a wet tushy though! 

My love!!! 

That's a lot of teeth! 

This was Zeke's first time seeing the sharks as a big boy. We did go to the zoo a few more times after this later in the summer and he did great seeing the sharks and loved it. This first though he was FREAKED out. He was clinging to Michael and pushing away from the glass. He just didn't understand how that shark wasn't going to eat him up. Poor guy! 

We love the elephants! 

Normally when we see a tiger it's behind the glass, but this tiger was in a different location. 

It was so awesome to see this beautiful creature up close! 

And just like any other cat he was super sleepy! 

So cute and yet so dangerous! 

The penguins were having a good time swimming around. 

Cute little white fox! 

It was so hot the day we were one point we just went into one of the viewing areas to get out of the sun and have a snack. There wasn't any animals that we could actually see, but just us being there made people thing there were animals so they would come in to check and see what we were doing in there. After a while though we got an up close look at an animal....

Out they came with a skunk on a leach! It was actually really cute and his spray glands had been removed so there was no concern there. They did make sure that we stayed back and didn't get too close though. 

Off to see the wolves! This was the coolest part of the day. I have never seen the wolves so active. 

At first they were over in a different section of the their enclosure and they were in the way back. The boys decided they should howl and maybe that would make them come. Sure enough....seriously...the wolves came over. Right up to where we were of course they were down low inside the enclosure, but the wolf came right up grabbed a water bottle that some person had thrown in there and started playing with it. 

It was so amazing to get such great views of the animals. In fact during this particular trip even though it was so hot we saw almost all the animals. They were all quite active! 

After the wolves we got a picture with the statues and then it was time to head home. 

It was such a fun family day! 

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