Thursday, November 10, 2016

Riverview Community Church Trunk Or Treat!

Our church had their Trunk or Treat on Sunday October 30th. Michael and I had both signed up to help out. I was going to help at the registeration desk and Michael was going to run a carnival game from the back of our van. Unfortunately Michael happened to be on-call during that week and he had a record number of of which came right before it was time to leave for church so he wasn't able to make it after all. I ended up going to church and they found another person to run the carnival game from the back of our van. 

Because I had to be there early Ga-Ga & Pa came up to help the kids get into their costumes and they brought them down to church later. 

This years costumes didn't cost a dime. Ella got her Anna dress for Christmas last year, Owen reused his Army costume from last year, Zeke wore Jack's old Knight in shining armor costume from years ago and Jack reused his Captain America costume from last year as well. 

Pa of course took lots of pictures of the kids for me since I wasn't there when they got all dressed up. 

I did braid Ella's hair for her and she was all ready prior to me leaving. Getting her to wear that white long sleeve shirt under her dress was a chore, but I did compromise with her shoes. I wanted her to wear these black Mary Jane shoes, but she wasn't having it. Open toed clop shoes it was! 

Jackson was quite sure he wanted to wear his worker man boots and they did look great. I'm guessing they weren't the most comfortable though because the next night he did not want to wear them again. Last year Jack used a cardboard shield that I made him, but since then he's gotten the plastic magnetic shield that sticks to the wristband that's attached to his arm. It's pretty cool! 

My army boy was ready to go get some candy!

The church was set up differently this year. Of course the trunks were outside, but not all of them were typical trunk or treat trunks. Some of them had carnival games like our van did. Last year the carnival games were inside the church, but this year they wanted to have a giant bouncy house in there. 

Cute kids all ready to go! 

Since I was out working the registration table I didn't get to go around with the kids until the very end. They had so much fun with Ga-Ga & Pa and since there was two of them they were able to divide and conquer at times. 

Cute buddies!!! 

This is the back of our trunk. Nathan one of the leaders' sons was willing to run it for us. 

At first it was only sprinkling and then it really started to rain. Thankfully the kids didn't care one bit. 

It was crazy busy much so people were having to park in the neighborhoods around the corner because the parking lot was full! 

Even though it was crowded it sure looked like everyone was having fun!!

We invited Lance, Rachael and their 4 kids to come and have fun with us. Jaymes was nice and snug in his front pack while his big sisters got to enjoy all the festivities! 

Besides the trunks, carnival games and the bouncy house....there was also balloon animals being made, popcorn, a cookie walk and face painting. 

Rain did not deter this Super Hero!!! 

Our pastor and his wife had just gotten back from attending a wedding in Hawaii so it was quite fitting that their trunk was tropical! 

The boys loved the nerf gun trunk! 

Once they came in the kids did the cookie walk and got lots of yummy cookies! 

Then it was time for face painting. Ella's hearts looked so pretty and they even stayed on all night so she was able to show everyone as school the next day. 

Owen got bat eyes and there were cool! They also got itchy though so we washed them off right before bed. Jack's "face" painting was the fastest since he just wanted a puppy paw on his hand. So fast I didn't even take a picture of it! 

I'm so thankfully that Ga-Ga & Pa came and helped with the kids. It would have been impossible for them to go around since I was working and even if Michael was there he would have been working as well. I'm thinking next year we are just going to have to choose who's going to work because it would be nice for one of us to get to go with our kids. 

One nice thing about Michael getting called out to work was he was home when we got home and he had made a really nice dinner for all of us. 

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