Thursday, January 31, 2019

Christmas Day @ Ga-Ga & Pa'

We got to Ga-Ga & Pa's house around 11am and just had to wait for Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie to get there so we could start opening presents. 

 For some reason I think I had my camera setting wrong so the pictures aren't the best quality. 

Zeke was so excited to get his giant pack of army men! 

Ella got her two fuzzy pink pillows for her clubhouse. 

Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie

Ga-Ga & Pa got all the kids new suitcases since there monogramed suitcases were a bit too small and a couple of them were falling apart! 

They also got the kids something to wear and candy. 

Zeke got a shirt and Skittles. 

Jack got a shirt and Sour Punch candy. 

Ella got black ankle boots and a big Toblerone bar. 

Owen got a shirt and Nerds! 

More gifts!!!  

 Jack got a Slime Lab. Owen got a Lego Minecraft set. 

 Ella got a one of those wooden breakfast in bed desks to use in her clubhouse. Zeke got a remote control car. 

Zeke got playmags

Jackson got a Beyblade and a new Ripper for his Beyblades. 

Owen got Xbox 360 Minecraft Story Mode. 

After the first round of opening presents the rest of the clan showed up for round 2. 

Papa & Ruth...I haven't mentioned this on the blog yet. Papa met Ruth online and they have been dating since summer time. Their love story is completely God written. It's a wonderful story!!! They actually got married on January 5th and are now in Africa on a mission trip! 

 Ga-Ga got Anna two Beanie Boos and she got Addison jewelry! 

Caleb got a Lego set he'd been wanting! 

We got the Kuch kids two games....Sleeping Queens & Rat A Tat Cat! 

For each family I made them Plum Pepper Jelly and Soup Cozies. 

Pa & Bill doing what they love...chatting! 

Mom and Dad got each of the families...Kuch's, Grant's and Martin's a monogram metal sign. Unfortunately the Kuch families sign didn't get shipped in time so this was just a picture of what their sign would look like. Fortunately their sign came in time for my parents NYE party so they got it then. 

The Kuch family got each of the families a LL Bean bag with our family name.  

I'm not sure who got Ga-Ga & Pa this giant box of chocolates, but I'm sure they are loving it. 

Here is our metal name sign. 

I had been wanting to redo our mantle for a long time and I absolutely love how it turned out! 

Usually by the end of Christmas Day I'm super bummed, but this year I wasn't. I don't know why it was different, but I just felt content. It's a good feeling too! 

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