Friday, February 1, 2019

Review Goals - 2018

Here is my annual review of our goals for the previous year and how we did. 

Goals for 2018

Saving Goals: 

Continue to save $100 each month towards our 20 Anniversary trip to Hawaii

We did continue to save and I was able to book the trip last August. We actually bumped our savings up to $200 per month just so we will have a nice cushion and won't have to be to mindful of a budget when it comes to eating out. It is a vacation after all! 

Continue to save $100 each month for the kids' future cars

We are still continuing to save for the kids' future cars and I don't imagine this one changing until they all have cars! 

Get the 3-6 months bumped up to where it needs to be

This is one our Goals again for 2019...see below!  

Start saving towards a tent trailer

We didn't just save for a trailer we made an executive decision to go ahead and buy a trailer. We only have our kids at home with us for a few short years and we want to get out and enjoy life with them and make lots of memories. Last year we used the trailer 4 different times....The First Camping Trip, staying at my parents house over 4th of July, Jenning's Family Reunion and then our trip to Oregon camping trip here and here

House Goals: 

We had a seriously interesting year in regards to our house and it's still not finished. Long story short....wind claim, new siding, new sheeting, new windows and bringing the house up to code...all covered by the insurance PTL!!! The claim has been open for almost a year now. There is still work to be done so stay tuned. To read about the craziness click here and here. Needless to say with all of that going on NONE of the home goals got tackled! 

Replace rails and bad boards on the deck and stain it.
Build patio furniture & buy cushions
Take out big bush by the play structures
Build planter to go where the bush was
Plant fruit tree

Family Goals: 

Family - Make reading & Bible time a priority & play more games together

I feel like we did better in regards to reading the Bible (or a kids devotional of some kind). It gets tricky in the summer with all the busyness. I did start doing a devotional book with the kids in the van prior to them getting on the bus, but then I changed it to where we do it at home and also have prayer time. It's really a great way to start the day. 

As for playing more games I feel like we go through ups and downs of this as well. I think right around birthdays and Christmas we play lots since we've just received new games and then when we are camping we play lots of games as well. We did have a Family Game Night group at our house last winter so that was fun to get introduced to a bunch of new games. 

Kids Goals: 

 Get in the habit of bathing on a regular schedule (just being real people) - have kids use their shower instead of ours

The kids have been consistently using their own shower now. Ella and Zeke still need help figuring out how to get it to the correct temperature since it's two knobs. I can't tell you how happy I will be when they figure this out. There are certain things that my kids learn to do on their own that I'm not sad about and this will be one of them. As for actually having a schedule we started it and then it tapered off. Every week is so different and it's just tough to be stuck to a schedule. I will say I have been better at reminding them to go jump in the shower more, but there are still times where my kids go over a week without showering. Again keeping it real! 

Lyndsay's Goals

 Try not to be so hard on myself 

This one cracks me up. I'm so hard on myself! I try not to be, but I put unrealistic expectations on myself. I will say that I am not so hard on myself when it comes to the kids birthday parties anymore. I used to spend months and months getting ready and now that's just not the case and I'm not going to freak out about it. 

Stay organized 

I really slacked on the whole organization thing, but over Christmas break I watched Tidying up with Marie (as well as a million other people) and now I'm in a super organization mode. Michael and I are in the process of completely redoing the garage. I've went through everything in the house with the exception of the Kitchen and all the closets. The closets are what I'm tackling in February and I know it's going to feel so good once those are done! 

Plan ahead

I feel like I'm a super planner! I mean I've been planning our trip to Hawaii for 5 years. I have camping trips planned months ahead. I plan our monthly menu and try to only do big shopping once a month. So yeah I feel like I nailed this one. 

 Get better at my job

When I wrote this it was for my job at church, but I do feel like I accomplished this one because I did get better at my true job which is being a homemaker. Working at the church was such a growing experience and I love that I got to do that, but I'm loving staying home and I'm so blessed that I can do so! To read about my decision to quit my job and stay home click here

Michael's Goals

Okay let me just say my man was a total overachiever!!! He had all these goals completed by February 16th!!! 

 Get CDL - check

 Pass test for WD Manager 3 - Check

Work towards eventually becoming the District Manager

He didn't just work towards becoming the District Manager he IS the District Manager. Click HERE to read that amazing God written story! 

Family Adventures: 

Snow activities @ Rainier

Yes we were able to go up and spend a day at Black Diamond Camps enjoying the snow. So fun! 

Family Reunion in Oregon

Yes, we went to the family reunion and had a blast. Link is above in the section about the tent trailer. 

Great Wolf Lodge

Yes, we got to go to Great Wolf Lodge and had the best time ever!!! We are hoping that we might get to go again this year as well. 

North Cascade Hwy

Michael has been wanting to do this one for years and so do I, but we really need a truck in order to take the trailer over the mountains. So I bet you can imagine what's going to be one of the goals for 2019! 

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