Thursday, July 4, 2019

Handmade Cabins!

Back around the beginning of the year my Dad started working on a special project. My Mom had bought him a drill press for Christmas and that tool has come in so handy for these projects. Long story short my Grandpa mom's dad had a log cabin that was supposed to go to my cousin Melody when he passed. Well there was situation that drama and now Melody does not have Poppy's cabin. My dad felt awful and decided to built Melody her own cabin. He worked for months and months and finished hers and then he decided to build cabins for each of the grandkids. 

He gave them to all the kids in May at one of our Family Night Dinners.


Each of the cabins have a roof that can come off so you can see in the inside and play with it if you want. 


Pa painted them different colors for each of the kids so of course Jack's would be red! 


He made Ella's roof totally different than the boys the boards are vertical rather than horizontal and they have this beautiful scalloped edge. 


Each of the houses have different rockery for the fireplaces and the edge at the bottom of the cabins. 

Here's the video of the kids getting their cabins. 

Here's the inside of Ella's cabin. Each one had a fireplace and then special accents that represented each kids personality. 

Ella loves owls so Pa got these stickers for her cabin. All of the cabins have these cute frames with a picture of him and Ga-Ga. Her cabin has a picture of a paper that she wrote out and Michael has taped by his computer. He also put in a princess doll for Ella to play with. 

Over the fireplace was our latest family picture...all the cabins have this family picture, but they weren't all placed over the fireplace. Ella also has a vase of yellow roses. Pa had fun finding all this cute stuff at Hobby Lobby in the dollhouse section. 

Here's the inside of Zeke's. 

His was Star Wars themed. He got a storm trooper and has a picture of Commander Cody over his fireplace. 

Here's the inside of Owen's. 

He has a picture of a Minecraft castle over his fireplace. I believe he has a Minecraft guy as well but he had already taken it out or at least part of it. It's hard to tell, but down in the bottom right corner of the fireplace Pa cut out a picture of Charlie so it looks like he's sitting by the fire. Each of the kids have this in their cabin. 

Inside Jack's cabin...he of course had to have a BeyBlade over his fireplace. He also got some sort of character in his cabin...I can't tell who it is from this angle though. 

As you can see all the cabins light up. They have an LED light in the roof and it doesn't get hot at all. 

The kids love their cabins that Pa made!!! 

Towards the end of June Ga-Ga & Pa drove out to Wyoming and were able to give Melody her cabin. It was an emotional time and she of course loved it! 

Here's her cabin sitting on the kitchen counter, but it's true home is going to be the cabinet in the background. It goes so well with all her decor! 

It really did bring so much joy to my Dad's heart to be able to right the situation the best he could.

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