Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Strawberry Picking / Pool Time / School Musical Showcase

On Tuesday June 11th, I went with Kim and her kiddos to Duris Farms to pick strawberries. We got there early in the morning so it wasn't hot yet. 

Andrew and Josiah came quite prepared with their bandanas just in case it was super dusty! 

I think it only too us an hour from start to finish. After picking strawberries we dropped the kids off with Micah so Kim and I could have a girls day. We went to JCP's to pick up Jack and Zeke's birthday pictures, shopped at Value Village and ate lunch at Chic-Fil-A. After that it was back to pick up my van since Micah had been changing the oil in my van!!! 

Earlier that morning I had filled the pool up. The kids were looking forward to having friends come over to splash around. 

Jordan was going to come over, but once the kids got off the bus Owen's friend Karah asked if she could come too!!! 

Zeke friend Kaiden came over to play as well! It was a full yard of kids having lots of fun! 

Even though Jack wasn't super excited about his splash tank it's definitely gotten some use! 

If they don't hit the target with the ball they usually run up and hit it with their hand so the person definitely gets soaked! 

Because of my outing earlier in the day the kids got to enjoy a yummy snack of fresh warm strawberries! 

This is last years pool! It made it through the storage phase! I did buy another pool at Wal-Mart to have on hand when this one does bite the dust! 

I was sitting on my garden bench enjoying the sunshine and I noticed that our first Lily had opened up! I love these flowers and every year they get better and better! 

Ella lovin' on her Charlie! 

As if this day wasn't busy enough Jackson also had a Musical Showcase at school. 

He chose to sit next to Lizzy! 

Jack's really enjoyed getting to play the guitar! 

It was a super busy day, but super fun! 

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