Sunday, June 21, 2020

Flag Pole!

Last summer when Ella and I went over to visit Logan I commented on how much I wanted a flag pole like them. They told me about the Flag Guy they bought their's from and how he was right in town. I had been trying to find a good quality flag pole, but all the ones I could fine online were made in China and were not good quality. We live on the top of a hill and get a good amount of wind from the Puget Sound so there was no way we could go on the cheap unless we didn't mind a flag pole crashing into our house. Jen's parent live on the top of a hill too and have loads of wind and they've never had a problem with their flag so that sealed the deal for me. Off to the store we went! It was definitely not cheap....just under $500, but I love my country and I love my flag and I've wanted to have one in my yard now for years. 

We borrowed the post hole digger from Lance so Michael could do the job. 

Dig dig dig! 

Michael filled the hole with crushed rock at the bottom and then he put in the flag pole sleeve, filled around it with concrete and made sure the sleeve was level. After that we waited 2 days to make sure it was nice and set before putting the pole up. 

The thing that's nice about this flag is that it's telescoping. The flag isn't attached to a rope you raise and lower. It's attached to hooks that are attached to the actual flag pole itself. If you need to change the flag or lower it to half staff then you lower the flag pole itself and reattach the flag to the lower hooks. It's really well constructed! 

Taking out our new flag! 

I remember the Flag Guy telling me about a dedication ceremony, but I could not find the paperwork or anything about it online. I was absolutely going to do the ceremony and I was so bummed I couldn't find it. 

Waiting for the flag to be raised! 

Here it goes!!! 

Old Glory...raised at our house on April 23rd, 2020!!! 

It's so beautiful! 

I know there is a lot of unrest and division right now around our flag and I understand there is real hurt for a lot of people. I also understand that our nation as with every other nation in this world has made mistakes in the past. There are things we wish we could go back, change and make right. I don't about you, but I also feel like that about my very own life. There are choices I've made or choices that were made for me by someone else that I wish I could change or that would have been different. The thing is we can't change them, but what we can do is take one step forward and keep bettering ourselves. We can learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward into a better tomorrow. Does that mean that I don't love my country or myself for that matter. No way! I love my country! I'm proud of my country...warts and all! I'm so grateful for the men and women of all different colors that have fought to keep America a free country. A free country that is free to make changes, free to make mistakes and free to keep trying over and over again until we get it right. Which spoiler alert won't ever happen until Jesus returns, but that's a subject for another day! :)

I love my patriotic house! I love the colors of the flag! I love that I get to fly the flag and be proud of this free nation! 

Look Upon the Flag

When I look upon the flag
I think of liberty
Of lives laid down in sacrifice
To make a nation free.

Then I look upon the flag
And think how can it be
That I could be so blessed
That someone died for me.

Again I look upon the flag
And tears come to my eyes
As I think of all the freedoms lost
And hear our soldiers' cries.

For what, they ask, do we risk it all-
So a nation can trample our blood? 
No! We serve, we die to stem the tide
Of oppression roaring as a flood.

Look upon the flag, my people
And see the freedom there
Remember what our nation was
And fall to your knees in prayer. 

May God Most High restore this land
And bring us back to Him
And may our flag humbly wave
As a banner of freedom again. 

By Janice Powell

We also bought this LED photocell light that shines up on the flag so we can fly it at night. 

Cute kids checking out the flag from the bed of the truck! I'd actually love to get a flag decal that covers the back window of the truck.

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