Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Saying Goodbye!

During what was supposed to be the last week of school, the School District set up times for each of the students to come by, drop off items that belonged to the school and also pick up the rest of their stuff that they didn't take with them on Friday, March 13th. 

Zeke was the first kiddo that got to go. It was so nice to see Ms. Castle. We just love her! I'm excited for her to teach 4th grade this next year. 

The Middle School kids weren't going to get to see there teachers so Zeke had a special bag for Jackson from Mrs. Miller. It was her little thank you for Jack being a part of the Patrol Team this year.

The next day it was Ella's turn...she had such a tough classroom! I was actually happy that she didn't have to finish out the year dealing with all that was going on. Her teacher Ms. Inoue was amazing though. I'm excited for her to be at a school closer to home! I also found out the other teachers that made a huge impact on Ella were also moving on to different schools. It really was perfect timing for us to homeschool!

The older boys got to drop there stuff off on Friday and I guess I read the schedule wrong so we showed up late. Thankfully the office ladies were still there so they were able to take in their whole box of books that belonged to the Middle School English Teacher.

That was more public school! I'm so excited to begin our homeschool adventure! 

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