Monday, December 27, 2021

Christmas Day 2021!

After opening Christmas presents at our house, we got ready and then headed down to Ga-Ga & Pa's to celebrate. We were there a bit earlier than everyone else. It was nice to chill and just relax before the chaos commenced. 

All the Kuch kids have taken piano lessons for years so Pa thought it would be nice to have some festive music played. 

At one point they all 3 played together. 

Ready with their music sheets! 

My cousins Bill & Peggy were able to celebrate Christmas with us. My Dad went over to the peninsula on Christmas morning to pick them up. It was so nice!

I decided to wear my new forrest green cardigan that Michael bought me for Christmas. 

Papa also played the guitar a bit and we sang Christmas Carols. It was so fun and something I bet we'll do from now on! 

LEGO's, LEGO's and more LEGO's!!! 

It was definitely the year of the LEGO's and Ella got a LEGO Friends Water Park which I didn't get a picture of! 

Ga-Ga always gets each of the kids a goodie bag with their favorite snacks. Addison got Ding Dongs! I think Anna got Twinkies and Caleb got Ho Ho's or vise versa. Owen got Takies, Jack got Flaming Hot Cheetos Puffs which are evidently not his favorite....that was my bad. I can't remember what Ella got and Zeke got Mega Cheddar Goldfish. 

I got the girls matching heart necklaces...this was even a surprise for Ella! 

The coolest gift of the day was each of the Kuch Kids got their own cabin built by my Dad. It was actually really emotional. I didn't cry when my kids got their years ago, but for some reason I teared up. Probably because Christina was tearing up! I know the hard work my Dad puts into these cabins and they really are so special! 

I'm so bummed I didn't get a picture of Anna with hers. Of course the kids were so thankful! 

Papa & Ruth got these cute little wooden dolls to represent each of the kids. They are adorable. Ruth also took a fun picture of our family and had it made into a puzzle. 

I ended up putting it together the very next day! 

There were so many more presents than this, but instead of taking pictures I was just enjoying the day and I actually really love that! I love that I put my camera down and was just present with the people I love. 

These precious young man and young ladies are such gifts in and of themselves! 

So is this wonderful lady! I love having her in my life and in my family! 

And Pa didn't forget Charlie. He got Charlie some catnip toys and he actually loves to play with them! 

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