Monday, December 27, 2021

Christmas Morning 2021!

It's Christmas Morning! 

The dreaded "Mom makes us wait on the stairs" picture! :) 

Charlie looking at the kids like they are a bunch of weirdos! 

Finding their "Santa" gifts! 

Jack got his Avenger's LEGO set he'd been wanting and a LEGO base plate. 

Zeke got Avenger's Clue and a LEGO base plate. 

Owen got LOTR Monopoly and a LEGO base plate. 

Ella got a Barbie Clinic Kit and a LEGO base plate. 

Can you tell LEGO base plates cause arguments in our house? 

Charlie still thinking we're a bunch of weirdos! 

Owen brought his gift over to him! 

We got him a remote control mouse and a mouse laser pointer. One of the funniest things was when we said it was a mouse laser pointer Zeke was like really? He was staring down at the floor to see the laser in the shape of a mouse! It's actually the pointer that's in the shape of a mouse. The laser is just a dot! LOL!!!! 

We always go around and pass out all the presents first! 

When the gifts are under the tree I don't let the kids move them around. 

I always wrap their gifts in the paper they pick out so they can see their gifts without touching them. 

Michael and I got spoiled this year! 

So excited about her Santa gift she wanted it to be in this picture too! 

Holy Cow that's a lot of gifts! 

Michael opened his gifts from the kids first. They got him a joystick to use with a certain game on his computer. They also got him the DVD Rampage, orange golf balls and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups! 

Owen's sibling gift from Zeke was these awesome dart guns! 

Owen got Jack 2 Harry Potter LEGO Jack knew he wanted and then a surprise set that is one of the classrooms at Hogwarts and the whole set folds into a big book. It's really cool! 

Ella has the best reactions to gifts....EVER!!! Jack got her this lipstick she'd been wanting for so long! 

He also got her this tie dye Barbie clothes kit that she saw in one of the Fred Meyer Ads. To say she was thrilled was an understatement.

Ella got Zeke a wolf stuffed animals and a dinosaur dart gun! 

I love seeing the kids open their gifts from each other. I think they are their favorite ones since they always open those first!

For Zeke's Want gift he got LEGO's....lots of LEGO's! 

For Ella's Wear gift she got new headphones since her's broke. Which she later told me I could take them back since she had gotten used to using the earbuds we had. She also got new socks and underwear. Of course I didn't pay attention to the size of underwear and I washed them so Caitlynn got new underwear and then I had to buy Ella the correct size. Sheesh! 

For Jack's Want gift he got a Star Wars Ship. LEGO's was definitely a theme for this Christmas! SO many LEGO's! 

For Owen's Want gift he got the Creator Pirate Ship! 

For Michael I got him a bunch of useful stuff for the garage and all the work he's always doing. Extension LED light, 3 way splitter and impact resistant gloves!

For Owen's Read gift he got the Artemis Fowl series.

I got Jack a book series call The Unwanted. We have the first book and I thought he liked them, but apparently they were Unwanted! :) No big deal....I returned them and got him all the books in the Warrior series he actually wanted. 

For Ella's Want gift she got the LEGO Friends Mall! 

For Ella's Read gift she got all the books in the Nancy Clancy series! 

For Owen's wear he got a few new shirts, but this one was my favorite. Owen loves music and Star Wars. I knew I had to get him this shirt when I saw that the backgrounds says....Duh Da Duh Da Da Da!!! 

For the rest of their gifts....they all got new gloves for their Need gift and they were all so happy with them. I was sure it was going to be a big bust, but they really needed them and they were so appreciative to have them. Jackson got a new pair of jeans and new socks and maybe underwear for this Wear gift, Zeke's Read gift was a bunch of random silly books that he loved and his Wear gift was a pair of camo pants and I think new underwear. 

I'm so bad about having Michael take my picture....I got a new Ice Cream machine and Michael also got me a new recipe book to go with the Ice Cream machine. Of course I was supposed to open them in a certain order, but opened them in the wrong order so I got the recipe book first and knew what the next gift was. It was hilarious! I also got a book about day hikes in Washington state, a pamper kit that had lavender lotion, bath salts and one of the heat up wraps you can put in the microwave and my favorite gift from Michael was new forrest green cardigan sweater. I love it! The kids got me a new Calphelon pan to cook my eggs in, a cookie sheet, a pancake flipper and tongs! I needed all of those so that was great! 

Michael also got a BlackStone Grill, with a cover and all the accessories! I tried to get a picture of him seeing it....I had just covered it in a blanket since it was way to big to wrap, but the kids were in the way in the picture. Oh well! 

Charlie checking out the mayhem! 

There is his remote control mouse. Which of course he could care less about! 

He does have fun chasing about the laser dot! 

Of course after the craziness comes the mass opening of all the presents to play with....

or put together! 

Michael's joystick worked great and the kids were so proud of themselves...especially since Daddy can be really hard to shop for. 

And of course I didn't get any pictures of them opening up their stockings which were full of what else but new DVD's to add to our collection for the kids and for Michael and I we got each other snacks! 

Next up...Christmas at Ga-Ga & Pa's! 

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