Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Eve 2021!

On Christmas Eve, we always go to Christmas Eve service at church and we always get pictures in front of the Huge Christmas Tree. 

We've been doing this same post since 2016....6 years!

Here's 2016! 

Oh my word those cute little chubby baby faces are killing me. Zeke was only 4 years old here. Although in all honesty he seriously looks like he's only 2! 

My beautiful blessings!!!

I kept up the tradition of buying the kids new Christmas jammies and hiding them under their pillow! They really enjoy this tradition! Ella did ask me that next year I buy her pajama pants since she's ready to not have nightgowns anymore. :) 

It was a Christmas Eve miracle! Charlie let Michael hold him for a little bit! 

Presents all set out and ready for Christmas Morning! 

As the kids get older, it hits me more and more how these days are fleeting. Sometime in the next decade, we'll be down to 3 kids living at home and then 2 and then 1. These years with all my kids living under our roof will one day come to a close. Sure they'll come home for Christmas and maybe even spend Christmas night at our house, but it won't be the same. It won't be their house anymore and they won't just be my kids. They'll be someone's spouse and they'll have kids of their own and that will bring a whole new level of wonderfulness, but this...this time with my kids, under my roof where it's just about them and focused on our little family...that will end and time will move on and things will change. Just feeling a little emotional writing this out. I love my family and I love that one day there will be more to our family. More people to love, more people to buy for, more people to thank God for! We are so incredibly blessed by Him!

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