Thursday, April 14, 2022

Macramé & Closet "Doors"!

Back in March, Ella's KiwiCo crate for the month was all about learning to make macramé, but another aspect of it was learning to make clay pots as well. 

Her crates are super fun because they are a little more intense so instead of having an instructional booklet she has to watch videos to learn how to do her projects. Usually her and I sit down together, watch the video and I'll help her along the way if she needs it. We always like to lay out all the material just like they show in the video. 

Here she is working her clay to soften it in order to mold it around the container that will become the pot. After this step she had to let each container dry and then she was able to paint them the color of her choice. 

After that step we moved onto learning about macramé. For her first time she just made a small keychain. 

We had everything set up on the desk in the office. We had to keep track of how many knots we made and which type of knot to use. In all she learned how to make a lark’s head knot, a square knot, a half knot, and a wrap knot.

Here were her cute little pots after she painted them. 

They give you a hook that suction cups to the decks....we still had to tape it which they said was normal. Then she moved the cotton cord around making the knots. The paper is where we kept a tally mark of how many knots we'd made so we didn't lose track. 

Here's her pot all nestled into its macramé hanger! 

After she finished both hangers, we went to the Dollar Tree & Hobby Lobby in search of fake succulents to put in her planters. We found the florist Styrofoam at the Dollar Tree and a couple of smaller succulents, but she really wanted some succulents that would drape down out of the pot so we found those at Hobby Lobby! 

Look at how cute that is. The best part is she doesn't have to remember to water them! 

Here was her other hanger and pot....see how the knots are different? 

She made this one for Logan and gave it to her a couple months later when she came to stay with us. 

We technically finished Ella's room remodel months ago, but there was still one tiny detail that we needed to take care of. She had white bi-fold closet doors and she wanted them to be stained. They were not stain grade doors and it was definitely going to be hard to make them look like they were stained doors. Plus those silly bi-fold doors are always coming off the track. I told Ella that we could just go to the fabric store and I'd buy her material and I'd sew her curtains for her closet. She did not like that idea at all! 

Awhile later I mentioned it again and she said that she would only be okay with that if we could find shower curtains that actually looked like doors. So I sat on her bed with her and we brought up shower curtains that look like doors on Amazon. Lo and behold that is a thing! 

Ta Da!!! 

Barn door shower curtain closet doors! Who knew! 

The only thing is they are still shower curtains so they only open on the sides....enter my sewing skills! 

One afternoon I cut the shower curtain right down the middle, folded over the seams and stitched them up. 

It's crazy hot good they look. The shower curtain was not super was $26, but the curtain rod I got at Walmart for $9 so that was nice. Seriously they look amazing though! 

Now she can access her clothes from right in the middle and she's one happy camper!