Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Back To School Bash 2022!

On the night of August 16th after Taekwondo, we decided last minute to take the kids out for our Back To School Bash. We hadn't done that in a couple years due to Covid so it was fun for another thing to go back to normal. I did invite Ga-Ga & Pa, but since it was a last minute thing they weren't able to make it up. Next year we'll plan ahead better so they can be here for it. 

These sweet precious kids had such an amazing summer. They were all a little bummed it was coming to an end though. In my previous post about school I mentioned that we were starting early on August 17th. That's one of the best things about Homeschooling....getting to dictate our schedule. We were starting school early this year so we could accommodate some upcoming vacation plans in September. The kids were starting school a couple weeks early, but they ended up getting 3 weeks off in September. Don't pity them too much! ;) 

Daddy can't say no to a Tower of Onion Rings! 

My sweet girl!!! 

This last year she has grown so much....she's almost as tall as me and she wears a bigger size shoe than I do!

These sweet Martin Men! 

Every year these young men get closer and closer to being adults. It's been fun and daunting watching their journey! ;)

Here's to a successful, fun 3rd year of Homeschooling!

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