Thursday, August 18, 2022

First Day Of School 2022!

On the morning of August 17th, it was time to start our school year! Of course every year I say that we are going to get into a better sleeping routine the week before school starts, but then life just happens and that falls to the wayside! This year was no different....we were going, going, going with summer fun until the bitter end! 

That alarm clock went off mighty early on that Wednesday morning! 

This year I used a new sign. I got it at the Awesome Easter Adventure our church put on in April. It's hard to tell, but there are lights around the frame that are lit up!!! 

This sweet girl almost completely fits into her shirt now! 

Watch out world...Ella Grace is going into Middle School! 

Nothing really changes in regard to Ella entering middle school. She still has all the same subjects so that's nice. She is still a bit behind in regards to grade level, but each year she keeps chipping away at it. I'm so proud of how far she's come in such a short time! 

Her shirt for the first day was quite appropriate.....she is unstoppable! 

Zeke is the most vocal about not liking school. He has a hard time staying focused. Thankfully he's actually working at grade level so he doesn't have to do any extra work this year. His work load is only 3 pages in each subject. 

Sad that summer is over....for now! 

Crazy to think that one day this shirt will fit him.

He such a stud muffin! 

Last year in elementary school! 

Look at how tall this guy is. I remember when I first started taking back to school pictures in front of the front door and he was barely taller than the handle of the door.

Okay for kicks and giggles I found one of his first day of school pictures. 

Time you are such a thief! 

The shirt is no longer a dress on him! 

Charlie came around and we tried to get a picture with our school mascot, but he wasn't having it at all! 

10th grade....I guess next year he'll just have to hold up one finger in each hand! 

My second high schooler! 

Jackson is honestly the one that school comes more naturally for. He's also extremely self motivated and pushes himself daily. That can lead to him being really hard on himself especially if he's learning something that he doesn't quite understand. He really despises all! 

Jackson has had a growth spur this year. He and Ella kept going back and forth between who was taller. For a while there is was changing weekly! He's finally surpasses her though and just recently he surpassed me. I've now been demoted to the 4th place in regards to height in our family. 

Look at this handsome young man!

First year of high school! 

Class picture! 

There was not one picture where Zeke's eyes weren't pinched shut....I guess it was bright out or he was just being a silly boy! 

This was where my oldest decided it was time to be a moody teenager! The other kids had fun though! 

Buddy pictures! 

I intentionally made the first day be easier on them since I knew it was going to be hard transitioning back into work mode. All the kids ended up finishing before lunch time at 11:30am! It was a very successful first day! 

Zeke even completed his first Science project of the year. 

We finished so early, I decided to take advantage of that fact and we headed out a hike in the afternoon which I'll post about next! 

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