Saturday, December 3, 2022

Women's Christmas Dinner 2022!

Our Women's Christmas Dinner was on Friday, December 2nd. I was asked by the Women's Ministry Leader back in May to be the speaker at this event. I said I needed to pray about it and I did. I knew that God was calling me out of my comfort zone and I just needed to take the leap and say I did. Fast forward months and I still had no idea what I was going to talk about. I think it was sometime in October I told Michael I needed to just go have sometime with God and so that's what I did. I holed myself up in my bedroom for hours one Saturday and when I came out I had most of my talk finalized. It felt so good! A few weeks after that I fine tuned it and was ready to go. Not to say that I wasn't extremely nervous because I was! 

Mom and I decided to do a tree theme with our table this year. She has all these pretty wooden trees that she decorates with at Christmas. We used the red buffalo checked napkin since they remind me of a lumberjack shirt. We also bought pinecone napkin holders and these paper chargers that look like tree rounds. They were so cool! Our gift to our ladies were these cute pinecone ornaments. 

Since I was the speaker we got the table right down in front next to the stage. Pa was asked to build a star to put in place of the cross during the Christmas season. It turned out so gorgeous and went perfectly with our Christmas Dinner theme which was The Star of Christmas. 

Our table was also right next to one of the big Christmas Trees! 

I always sign Michael up to be a server during the dinner, but this was the first time I signed up the boys as well. Owen was especially not that excited about having to dress up nice, but they both did such a great job! 

After the event, Michael is usually telling me how they could have done things differently in regards to serving. I've been trying to get him to lead this portion of the night for years and he's finally agreed that he will lead this next year! 

Nancy playing the harp is one of my favorite parts of whole the night! 

Here were the ladies at my table. Unfortunately Miss Ruth left before we were able to get a picture. We also were the only table that had the pleasure of having a guy sit at our table. Stephanie who's in the very back...her husband Scott was playing the piano while she led us in carols for the night so he joined us for dinner. They also wrote a song for the evening that was based on my talk. They asked me to send them my notes and they wrote a song off of that. It was incredible!!! 

My portion of the night went great and even thought I was nervous I don't think I showed it too badly. I had lots of ladies compliment me on my talk and while that's not why I did it is really nice to hear that the words the Lord gave me to say resonated with those listening. 

This is always feels like the official kickoff to the Christmas season for me and it absolutely did not disappoint!

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