Monday, January 16, 2023

Owen's 16th Birthday!

For Owen's actual Birthday he just wanted to stay at home and be with his family. 

His sibling worked together to create a scavenger hunt for him like I did last year. It was so sweet of them! 

He got all these clues and he had to figure out where to go. 

It led him all over the house....the boys' bedroom. 

The dining room!

Even out to a storage cupboard in the garage. 

Each clue led him to a piece of paper with a code on it.

Then he had to get the card that had the alphabet that he could use to decipher a code. 

The code said Hades which was the name of the video game he'd been wanting. The kids pooled their money together to buy the game and then Michael downloaded it onto the computer for him. It was really well thought out and super sweet of them! 

From us Owen got his D&D Players Handbook. 

He also wanted me to make homemade pizza for lunch and then have homemade Greek Food for dinner. We ended up having the pizza on Sunday and then I made Greek Food on Monday. 

Ga-Ga & Pa were out of town during this time so when they got home they gave him his present which was cold hard cash. Everyone loves that!!!