Sunday, December 29, 2024

Christmas Day 2024!

We got to Ga-Ga's house around 11:30am and it wasn't long before the Kuch's joined us. 

Ella had texted Christina the day before to find out what the girls were wearing. She wanted to wear a dress, but she didn't want to be the only one. She was so happy to hear that Anna was going to wear one and even though Addison didn't wear a dress she looked super snazzy in those sequined pants! 

I just noticed that we matched! I had to wear my heated vest to show it off! 

The table all festively decorated! 

We had so many treats there was no way we could eat them all. 

The tree that's so tall you have to take a panoramic picture to get all in one shot! 

Miss Ruth & Ga-Ga

Cousin Bill and Papa

Pa and Bill 

Boys played a fun game called Ransom Notes. Everyone got a certain number of magnetic words and then there was a category that you had to try to come up with the best answer for using your random words. Everyone has a little magnet board so the boards end up looking like ransom notes that they show in the movies that are cut out of words from magazines. The phrases ended up being really funny!  

Such lovely ladies! 

Everyone piles in the living room to open presents. 

We go youngest to oldest and only have the kids open presents and then we have them go off and then us adults open presents. 

Miss Ruth found the coolest things that fit the kids' personalities. Ella loves the sea and shells so she got this glass ball that has sand and shells inside it. It's amazing! 

It's hard to tell in this picture, but it's a metal art guy that's playing the guitar and the bucket next to him can hold pens or I guess your toothbrush. Jack loves the guitar and drawing so this was a double win! 

She also got Owen and I these cute little naked statue people that have words all over their bodies. They are so funny! I love it because Owen and I are such readers it was perfect!

Ga-Ga & Pa got each of the kids ornaments that represented their personality. Addison's was this fun cowgirl appropriate! They of course got the kids their snack bags and other stuff too. 

Jackson is trying to get all of the really nice Toy Story characters...yes he still plays with them with Zeke and they have a blast together. I love it! Ga-Ga got him Rex and his tail even comes off just like in the movie. 

After a while it was time for the adults to open gifts. I got Papa & Ruth and Ga-Ga & Pa their calendar like I always do.

Ga-Ga & Pa got each of the guys these metal nutcrackers with chocolates in them and us ladies these awesome Washington State shaped cutting boards. Bill & Christina got our family a bunch of yummy snacks and we got them a couple family games. 

Bill got a nice gift basket with yummy goodies in it! 

Time for dinner! 

Girls were at the table in the family room. 

Boys were at the pub table in the breakfast nook! 

Yum Yum! 

Although I wasn't really happy with my green bean casserole. It wanted to make it with fresh green beans instead of canned but I didn't check to see if the beans were done enough so they were a little on the crisp side. They still tasted okay, but not my best work. That's what I get for being exhausted after being in the kitchen making 4 different types of cookies. 

Love this time with family, but missing my man! 

When Pa had to take Cousin Bill home he had the kids set out on a task. They had to go around the house and find all the nativity scenes. Whoever found the most would will a prize. Well he did have a participation prize for all the was hilarious every time he would call out someone's name he would say, "Owen gts a Par-ticipation award!" Ultimately Jack ended up winning by finding all 13 nativity scenes in the fastest amount of time. That just meant he got even more candy as candy was the prize for everyone. 

After that Jack lead us in a few Christmas Carols. He did this all on his own...he printed out the chord sheets for himself that morning and he even played his new guitar. 

Getting nice and cozy on Christmas! 

Pa rewrote the Christmas Carol Winter Wonderland with his own words and so we had to sing that song. 

After that it was time for some piano music too. 

The girls sang for us. 

We even figured out the piano had this feature where it would play a beat for us and the girls were dancing. Such fun! 

Owen doesn't know any Christmas songs, but he still played for us. I love it when music fills the house. I just noticed Christina in the lower left corner. She's in the middle of a yawn, but it looks like she might be in pain from the music. Hahahaha! 

It was a beautiful day celebrating with family! 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Being Nostalgic - Christmas Morning Pictures

Since my oldest is graduating this year I've turned into this super nostalgic person. I've been going down memory lane a lot lately. When I posted about the Christmas stairs pictures I wondered to myself when did that tradition actually start. This is why I love my blog...I was able to go back every year and find all the pictures. Granted the quality isn't great for some of them, and some of them are more candid shots, but it's still fun to look back. 

2011...I was pregnant with Zeke. 

2012..Zeke Man's first Christmas. 

We spent the night at Ga-Ga & Pa's and had Christmas morning there, but didn't do a stair picture.


Second time waking up for Christmas morning at Ga-Ga & Pa's. I just love how all 4 of them can sit on the top stair and they aren't even smooshed together. They were all so little! 


When they were little the kids would not wake up early for Christmas morning. I don't know, but we got the golden ticket or something. We have never had a kiddo come into our room at 4am asking to open presents. They are just great sleepers. That does make for some pretty squinty faces when we wake them up since their eyes haven't adjusted to the light yet. 


All smiles! 


Once the kids did get older we instituted a 7am wake up time on Christmas morning...mama needs her sleep.


Every year I always wake up before the kids so I can go to the bathroom, get my slippers on, go downstairs light a Christmasy smelling candle and start Christmas music. For one of the years we could hear the kids awake in their rooms waiting for the clock to turn to 7am. We could here them talking about coming in and scaring us to wake us up, but little did they know we were right outside their doors so just a few minutes before 7am Michael and I simultaneously burst into the boys room and Ella's room and shouted MERRY CHRISTMAS at the same time. It was hilarious! 


This was the start of Ella's nightgown phase.


This was the first year I bought our family Christmas jammies...I even found a set for Ella that came with a matching nightgown for her doll.


Dolls and stuffies have to be included in the stair picture. This was also when Owen was all about these cat sock/slippers I gave him. 


The last year with a nightgown and a doll. The end of an era! The last year that Owen wore the cat sock/slippers...they finally got a hole in them and his toes were sticking out.


The year of the Cabin Christmas. This was the year that Christmas day fell on Sunday so we went to church and didn't open gifts until after service so no stair picture. The boys decided to change back into their jammies, but Ella didn't want to. 


 2 with glasses and the second year of Zeke wearing those same jammies. 

3 with glasses and the third year of Zeke wearing those jammies! :) :) 

It has been an absolute joy and pleasure to watch these kids grow up. The saying the 'days are long, but the years are short' is so so true.