Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter Adventure 2024!

Our church's Easter Adventure was on Saturday, March 30th. Next year we are thinking of having it the week before Easter and not the day before. A lady at our church mentioned this and I have no idea why we never thought of this before, but it's pure genius! 

Me, Heather & Jenny are the floaters that run around and do all the things! I love working with these ladies! 

We had three guys set up to be the bunny. We had one outside at the roundabout to draw attention to the event. It was such a gorgeous day!!! 

The event starts at 10am, but unlike other hunts you can come to anytime to ours and still have fun. It's a whole walk through adventure. 

When families came inside they were greeted by our lovely volunteers. 

They got some candy and then checked in....we were just keeping track of numbers for planning purposes. 

After check in they headed into the nursery for the hunt portion. Michael was the leader in charge of the hunt. Once the kids got their 10 eggs everyone would exit at the other end of the nursery out into the hallway where they took their eggs apart to get the candy and then recycle the eggs for us to use next year. 

Once they were finished recycling their eggs they could come into the sanctuary for the carnival portion of the adventure. It looks crazy, but it is well organized with stanchions so people know where to go. 

First stop if you wanted was to get your face painted.

Then you went onto Wheel of Fortune. My Dad's name tag on his shirt actually said "Pat"! 

Justine & Ella ran the Egg Toss event. They were giving out candy and/or small prizes. 

This year we had a new It was so fun. Micah would help the kids on this side with the fishing pole and then Caitlynn would attach candy or a prize on the other side and the kiddo would reel it up. 

Jenny & Charlie ran the duckie game. Each duckie had a number written on the bottom. A kiddo would pick a duckie and then get that number of candies. 

Plinko is always a favorite. Jason and his daughter Ava signed up to help that morning and we were so thankful they did! 

Over at the front of the sanctuary we have a prayer booth. Lots of people took advantage and got prayed for. 

Then there was the prize tables. Every single kid got a prize to take home. 

We had a ton of awesome prizes this is after a bunch of kids have already gone through. These tables were full! 

Once you got your prize you could go out and get your picture taken with one of the bunnies. This particular bunny was Jack! 

After a bit the bunny would change out for a different bunny. The chocolate bunny was Josiah! 

After bunny pictures when you went outside you could get popcorn and cotton candy to take home. 

In one of the conference rooms we had a few volunteers that were putting all the recycled eggs back together to be stored for next year. We've found that storing the eggs like that makes for less broken eggs. 

In the end we had over 600 people come through our door. Over 350 kids!!! Our goal this year was 400 kids and we got pretty close!!! It was a smashing success! 

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