Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter Sunday 2024!

On Easter Sunday after church we headed down to Ga-Ga & Pa's. On our way down we needed to make a quick stop to pick up Girl Scout Cookies from...


She was in town for the weekend and it was so fun to see her even if it was only for about 10 minutes. I love these girls...don't they look so cute in their glasses! 

Ga-Ga had the Easter baskets all laid out and labeled so the kids knew who's was who's. 

Ga-Ga had set her stove to start cooking while we were at church, but it didn't work so dinner was going to be later than normal. That was okay though....we just decided to do the egg hunt prior to dinner. 

Christina and I have such a fun time hiding the eggs. We really try to get clever and make it not so easy on the kids. 

They are hidden all over the backyard but nowhere else. 

My sister!!! 

The kids each have their own number and the eggs are labeled so they can only take eggs that have their number on it. It's genius really because they basically have to find all the eggs. 

They each have 8 eggs to find! 

Aaron's pointing at his shirt because it says..."Egg Hunting Squad"! 

Bunny Ears! 

Checking out the goods!!! 

These older boys...I'm not sure how much longer they'll be doing egg hunts! 

Easter Baskets! 

These things were full of candy! 

The best part was Ga-Ga put the jellybeans in a plastic baggie this year so they didn't get lost in all the plastic grass inside the basket! 

So much sugar!!! 

I think Anna picked these flowers! 

Hanging out catching up with friends & family! 

Johnathen & MJ! 

Ga-Ga & Grandma Ruth!

Papa & Bill! 

Pa & Michael! 

These precious girls! 

I was hungry since I never eat breakfast so we brought out some snacks to tide us over until dinner was ready! I love chips & salsa!!! :) 

Of course there was some serious gaming going on upstairs! 

Look at these handsome dudes! 

How fun are these tulip hardboiled eggs! 

Me and my man and for some reason I can not seem to look at the camera for pictures right now! Who knows! 

Dinner time! 

This time Pa decided to divide the table down the lines of men and women so we didn't have to talk over each other. 

I thought it worked really well! 

It was a great day celebrating our Risen Saviour with loved ones. It was also so nice sitting around chatting after dinner bearing our hearts and then also lifting each other and others up in prayer. So thankful for the HOPE we have in Jesus!

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