Saturday, June 1, 2024

Jack's 16 Year Old Pictures!

 On Friday, May 31st, I took Jack into get his birthday pictures. When I took Zeke in I asked Pooja if she was going to be there. She said she was scheduled, but what I failed to ask was when she would be in. Jack's pictures were scheduled at 1:45, but she didn't get in until 2:30. I was so bummed. The guy that took Jack's pictures did a great job though. I think I was more bummed that now I was have a chance to see Pooja until February when I take Ella in since Owen won't be getting pictures at JCPenney's anymore. Crazy to think that next year he'll be getting Senior pictures taken! Ahhh!!! 

Look at this handsome 16 year old!!! 

Jackson smiled with his teeth for a couple pictures, because the guy told him to smile really big, but I could just see how he wasn't into it so I told him just to smile however he wanted to. 

This isn't his full smile it's more of his smirk...he kept blinking during the pictures so I think he was just trying to focus on keeping his eyes open. :)