Saturday, July 6, 2024

4th of July 2024!

Happy 4th of July! 

Our annual 4th of July celebration kicked off this year with Miss Brenda giving Michael a foot massage. She even gave me one which was a nice treat! She was trying to teach me how to give Michael and foot massage, but I not touching anyone's feet thank you very much! 

Michael was supposed to be gone at a baseball game this year so Pa asked Bill to be the fill in Griller. Even though Michael ended up coming Bill still took over the job so Michael could just relax! 

Ga-Ga & Pa always invite tons of people from church and lots of them came. It's always such a good time visiting with everyone! 

Owen and Caleb just love to play strategy games with each other. Jack will join in too. You can see he has the Switch in his hands so sometimes he just hangs out with them and plays his own game. 

I think the girls were having fun with make up! 

Such beauties!! 

Zeke was hanging out playing on his Kindle. The kids actually came down on the 3rd of July and they stayed 2 nights at Ga-Ga & Pa's...that's why Zeke's pill container is sitting on the end table next to him.  

It was such a gorgeous day to be outside! 

In the background of this picture you can just make out Pa showing Terry the cool sandbox he built the kids years ago. Well it was time to dismantle it...basically because it was rotting away. Now in it's place is a nice elevated deck that Pa built. 

Here's a better picture of Pa & Terry! 

Before the food was ready people were just hanging out chatting in groups. 

At one point Jan decided to get up and go down the slide. She's hilarious! 

Time to eat! 

Good food and good folks! 

4th of July is always my favorite...I love the food, I love the sunshine, I love the festive clothing!

I love it all!

I also love leading Bingo! This time around Papa, Addison and Miss Brenda won!  

The Kuch's brought their badminton set so the boys had fun playing with that! 

Always so nice to catch up with friends! 

My favorite tradition! 

Ga-Ga & a few of her sugar bears! 

Such fun memories made with friends! 

Papa & Miss Ruth! 

Annual Photo Prop Pictures! 

So happy my man was able to spend the day with us. It would have been fine if he had been at the baseball game, but I loved having him there with us! I might be smiling in these picture, but my back was hurting me so badly this day...I was actually in a lot of pain. My mom thankfully has one of those ice packs that's like a sheet and can cover your whole back I used that and took ibuprofen and it made it somewhat bearable.  

Cute girlies! 

This year the fireworks kicked off again with the neighbors in the cul-de-sac setting off jumping jacks that went off for easily 5 - 6 minutes straight. They haven't done that in was cool!  

Time for snacks! 

This year we bought the fireworks from Bill & Christina's church. It was a fundraiser for their upcoming mission trip. It was so fun to get to buy some really cool fireworks and also have it go towards a good cause. I really hope they do it again next year! 



Will break for little smokies! 

This little light of mine! 

Another amazing year of celebrating in the books!