On Monday night we were invited to go to The Bouncy Place and celebrate Owen's friend Kadyn's birthday. I have never taken the boys there before. We had our own section that was set aside especially for us. It was called The Adrenaline Zone and it had 4 different bounce things.
This was the big obstacle course/slide one.
I couldn't get a good picture of this one, but it was huge and had so many slides and tunnels it looked like a blast. Of course I couldn't join in on the fun since I'm pregnant. I would have just gone in anyway and not gone crazy, but they had a lady there watching us to make sure we weren't breaking any rules.
Daddy got so tired trying to keep up with this busy boy!
and up the STEEP ladders...
Daddy climbing all the way up the steep slide holding Jack. He said it was really scary doing that because you really need two hands to hold on. I'm glad I didn't know that while he was doing it.
Kadyn is really into Spiderman right now so his mom Julie made him these special cupcakes.
WOW!!! Next time I wanna go!!
It looks like so much fun..knew that Owen would love it.
I think it is so funny about the carrot for a candle!!!!
See you tonight..MOM
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