Yesterday was my 29th Birthday and my parents came over and brought us all dinner to celebrate. It was so nice of them to do that since we didn't really have anything special planned. Michael and I are going out to celebrate at The Melting Pot on Friday night for dinner because that's one of my favorite places to eat in the world.
Love this picture of my Dad and me!
Ga-Ga got to introduce Jack to honey...of course he loved it. What's not to love!
Daddy and Owen lounging on the McQueen bed/couch.
Owen just loves to take pictures so Pa had him take a self portrait of them together. I think it turned out really good.
Then Pa tried to get a picture with both boys, but he got edged out of the picture.
Of course Daddy and the boys had to show off their trapeze act that involves touching your feet to the ceiling.
The boys absolutely LOVE this and it's a major meltdown when Daddy gets tired. Thankfully Ga-Ga & Pa brought cheesecake so that was enough of a distraction to squelch that.
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