Let the turkey coma begin...oh wait we hadn't even eaten yet when this picture was taken. Sometimes you just need a nap!
We headed down to my parents house on Thanksgiving morning. Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie came down too.
After nap time we headed over to my Uncle Cliff and Aunt Jan's house for dinner. Ga-Ga gave Ella her first taste of a green olive. We were hoping she'd give us a really funny face, but she seriously didn't mind them at all. She's just like her mama!
Once I told Owen we were going to Aunt Jan's house he said, "She has a garbage truck!" He played and played and played!!!

Ella got to try all sorts of food - mashed potatoes and gravy, turkey, yams, green bean casserole and rolls.

Jack ate everything, but he had a TON of grapes!!!
One of the maybe two times Owen willingly came out of the playroom I snagged him and got him to eat a little bit. He even ate some turkey and had two bites of yams.
My cousin Tara's daughter Gabby just LOVES babies so she had so much fun talking and snuggling with Ella.
Ga-Ga and cousin Nicky!
Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie...looking so cute!

The guys in deep discussion!

Amazingly we even got a really nice family picture!! It was nice spending time with family. We have SO much to be thankful for!!!
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