We have been working on the potty training thing for a while now and Jack was doing TERRIFIC!!! Then he decided that he didn't really need to try anymore. He had it down so why put any extra energy into it. So he started peeing in his pants sometimes right after getting up from peeing on the potty. Frustrating to say the least! So on Friday night I was at my wits end when he peed in his pants for the second time in about an hour and I decided if you're going to act like a baby I'm going to treat you like a baby.
So I went out and got a pair of footie pajamas (we don't have our kids wear those once they are potty training), I put him in a diaper and he had to go to bed earlier than Owen because that's what babies do. The next morning I changed his diaper and put a new one on and we downstairs. He had his big boy chair taken from him and we put up the portable highchair and he sat in that during breakfast. He didn't get to use a plate or a fork or a cup. We also talked about how babies don't get to play on the computer or pick out movies. He also had to take a morning nap just like Ella does. He kept going around saying things like, "I'm a baby!" and we kept saying, "No, you're not a baby you are a big boy, but you are acting like a baby!"
For a while I thought we had shot ourselves in the foot. I thought he wasn't going to break. I knew he was pushing me too and I just kept holding strong. By lunchtime he finally caved at the table. He said he wanted to be a big boy and he wanted to wear his undies and go in the potty. So we got super excited, he went in the potty and he got his big boy chair back and he got to pick out a movie.
Later on on Saturday night we went to birthday party and I didn't bring his Elmo potty seat with us so I knew that taking him potty would be a challenge. He refuses to sit on regular potty and he's never stood up to pee before. When it was time to take him potty he got a little scared because he knew I didn't have his potty seat, but then he asked me if he could pee standing up. So I held him up and he went...STANDING UP! I was so excited for him! We did a little hip hip hooray dance in the bathroom and he got treats.
He has had accidents since this, but we are just reminding ourselves that that's what they are...accidents! This too shall pass!
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