Saturday, June 25, 2022

Wild Waves With The Kuch Family!

Back in 2019, we were able to have a super fun day with the Kuch family at Wild Waves. We wanted to do that again so we invited them to come with us on Friday, June 24th. It's crazy how much bigger the kids are now! 

Here's back in 2019. They were all so little! 

Now in 2022, they are as big as me or bigger. Seriously...I look like one of the kids here! 

The first thing the boys wanted to do was go on the Wild Thing! Christina went up with them just to get a picture! 

In 2019, none of the boys' heads came over the headrest! 

Now...look at these tall guys! 

There they go! 

The girls wanted to run over and see them on the ride! 

We had to take them to our favorite ride...Dodgems. Seriously I didn't know someone could love bumper cars so much. They are the best! 

The only sad thing about Wild Waves right now is there are around 8 rides that aren't working. They are all in need of parts and you guessed it...they are on back order. I highly doubt any of those rides will be up and running this year. I don't feel back for us as passholders, but I feel really bad for those people that pay $50 for a one day pass. Honestly it's a total joke that it's that expensive and about half the rides are down. 

The big pirate ship is my favorite, but sadly it's one of the rides in need of repair. Over in the kiddie section the have this ride called The Coastal Clipper and it's like a smaller version of the Pirate Ship. It doesn't just go back and forth though it goes around and around. It's actually super fun! 

While the other kids when on Timberhawk, Anna & Addison went on the Scrambler with me. It's funny how I remember loving all these rides when I was younger, but now they actually really freak me out. My mind just goes to worse case scenario and I'm thinking if this part fails then that car will fly off. Of course I couldn't show Anna & Addison that I was freaked out so I held it together and we had fun! 

After that it was time to head over to the water side. Even though it looks gorgeous outside it was quite breezy out which made it feel chilly...especially when you're wet! 

After a couple of slides we came back to our loungers and got food for lunch. With our season passes we get free parking so I had Owen jump in Christina's car so she was able to use his pass and get free parking as well. We also had free guest passes so they didn't have to pay anything to get to come with us. We also get coupons on our passes so we ordered 3 combo meals and got 1 free. We all shared those 4 meals and it was perfect. 

This is my favorite place to a lounger! Now that the kids are older whenever we go I mainly just hang out here soaking up the sun while they run around having blast. It's one of those bittersweet things...where the kids are getting old enough they don't need me all the time. I want them to go and have fun without me and then when they ask me to come with them it's the greatest feeling in the world! 

All of our kids are pretty skinny minis so that breeze was tough, but most of all it was tough on Anna. Sweet thing doesn't have an ounce of fat on her. She was just shivering! If we decide to get season passes for next year I want to wait to have them come with us later in July or August so it's a really hot day! 

It was loads of fun even though it was chilly and we just love spending time with our friends!