Sunday, November 30, 2008

Not Me Monday

It's that time again! Consider joining in the fun at MckMama's Blog.
1. I did not take a super long break from blogging this week and only have one post between this Not Me Monday post and last weeks Not Me Monday post. That would be so NOT like me at all.
2. I did not call up my old hairstylist on Tuesday night in a panic and go to her house at 5:30 at night because my hair looked ridiculous and I just couldn't stand it anymore. That would be a little over the top don't you think!
3. I did not weight myself prior to eating Thanksgiving dinner and then weight myself after dinner to find out I was actually lighter after eating. That would be too weird!
4. I did not tell everyone at Thanksgiving that I was not coming down with a cold and that it must just be a dry scratchy throat from all the talking and then have it be a cold afterall. That would be so awful to expose all those people to my germs!!!

Owen Speak

So Owen's new favorite word is 'Mama' and you know I'm loving it!!! He loves to point to me, Daddy and Jack and say our names. We still can't get him to say Owen, but it will come with time.

Here's a list of his new words...

Night-Night - He loves to say this after we lay him in bed. He's waves as he's says it too!

Wall - He points to all the different walls in the house and says this.

Tea - We are big ice tea drinkers around here and he LOVES tea. Even if we put juice or milk in his sippy cup he still says 'mmmm tea'.

Ice - Another one of Owen's favorite things. He just loves to chew on ice. Someone recently told me that kids do that if they are deficient in iron. I'm going to have to check into this.

'Chee' aka 'Cheese' - Owen says this when he eats cheese or when he sees a camera.

Yum Yum - Self explanatory

'Maul' aka 'Mole' - Owen loves to point to the different moles on my tummy.

'Mar' aka 'More' - He signs when he says this.

Beep Beep - Daddy taught him this's the noise his trucks make when they back up.

He can also say Eyebrow, Knee and Elbow and points to them, although sometimes he points to his wrist instead of his elbow.

He just signed cracker today for the first time!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Not Me Monday

I'm late posting this, but it is still Monday. If you want to join in late with me check out MckMama's Blog.

1. This Sunday I was not getting ready for church when my husband came in the room and declared that he didn't want to go and I most certainly did not jump at the chance to stay home and move furniture around and start the process of getting the boys to sleep in the same bedroom that would be so wrong.
2. After I did not move furniture around I also absolutely did not eat 4 pieces of bacon as a late night snack and justify it because I was busy all day and must have burned enough calories so it would even things out....I would never do that!
3. I did not let my almost 2 year old finish his 5 month old brothers banana baby food because he actually liked it and it's so hard to get that kid to eat sometimes. I would SO not allow him to eat baby food when he's not a baby anymore.
4. I was absolutely not surprised in the least when Owen slept the whole night in his big boy bed. I was not just waiting to get scared to death in the middle of the night by him trying to come into bed with us. I was also not completely shocked when I went in to get him in the morning and found that we was actually still in his bed and not sleeping on the floor. My children never surprise me.

Big Boy Bed / Moving Things Around

For the last 4 nights Owen has been sleeping in his big boy toddler bed. I'm so proud of him!!! We decided to see if he was ready again because he's been really enjoying going to bed. He has actually asked to go to bed when he gets tired. It's so cute when we lay him down he waves with both hands and says night-night. He's been so good about not getting out of his bed too. He's only gotten out twice when I laid him down for his first nap after we switched him from the crib.

We are now in the process of moving the boys into the same room. We've already painted over Jack's nursery and it's become the office and Jack is in his new room, but it's a disaster right now because it's where we were storing everything for the office until we could get paint on the walls. Michael finished painting today so he'll move all the office furniture over tomorrow and then we'll paint Owen & Jack's new room and get it all ready and then move Owen over. Jack is still waking up once a night anywhere from 3am - 5am so I'm not sure how that's going to effect Owen's sleep. I really want to get them sleeping together young though so they won't even know anything different.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Three Men in a tub!

After Owen ate all that food and got most of the jelly from his PB & J on his face we decided a bath was in order. Jack was being a little crabby so I thought going in the bath would make him happy.

Owen loves to help everyone wash their hair!

If your wondering I did get Michael's permission to post these pictures...begrudgingly, but I did get it! :)

Jack is just so darn cute!!!!!

Stocking up for winter!

Sometimes Owen can be so picky when it comes to food and other times he can EAT!!! On Friday he was hungry and he just kept eating. Here is a list of the food he had...1 container of yogurt, a banana, 3 small handfuls of raisins, 1 string cheese, 1 peanut butter and jelly sandwich, 2 handfuls of Cheezits and some Pasta Roni noodles and about 3 or 4 sippy cups full of either milk or juice. I know that there are other kids out there that eat more than this, but for Owen this is a TON of food in one day! Maybe he will actually reach 23lbs by his 2nd Birthday!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Owen loves to get into my nightstand draw. Thankfully I baby proofed it a long time ago. He loves to play with my old glasses that I keep in there. So I decided to pop out the lenses and take some cute pictures of our boys. I certainly hope they will never need glasses. I hope they get their Daddy's eyes, but if they ever do have to get glasses I'm sure they will be adorable!

Bath Baby

This is my new favorite picture of Jack. He didn't actually have a bath yet. He had leaked through his PJ's and I didn't want to put him in new clothes until I gave him a bath, but I wanted to eat breakfast first so we just put him in his robe.

Fun with Food on Friday

On Friday my friend Kim came over with her son Andy. We were on a mission to make our own baby food. It was so much fun! I don't know why I ever bought baby food for Owen. I really wish I had made it all. It's so much tastier, cheaper and I'm sure better for them. We made avocados, green beans, carrots and sweet potatoes. They really tasted great! I can't wait to make more! Tonight I gave Jack his first taste of just baby food. He's eaten rice cereal and oatmeal, but not just baby food. He had bananas and he liked did Owen. I think he's going to want to eat all of Jack's food now.
Kim and I took some cute pictures of the boys together. They are both SO cute!
Jack is really learning how to grab everything that comes within his reach.

And he loves to put everything that's within his reach in his mouth!

Family Highchair

This is a highchair that's has been in our family for over 130 years. It was made for my Great Great Grandma Laura by her father back in the late 1870's. My Grandma and Grandpa have had it for awhile and when Owen was little we took pictures of him in it. Since my Grandma moved to Denver she gave the highchair to my Dad. The other day we decided to strap Jack into the chair and take his picture.
Owen 9 months old

Jack 5 months old


Okay now that election time has come and gone maybe you will all be willing to head over to this site and vote for Owen as Cute Baby of the week. I'm so excited he made it as a finalist. Please help our cute baby be the winner!!!

Not Me Monday!

If you'd like to join in the fun check out MckMama's blog.

This week I did not have to steal a half a cup of milk from Owen's sippy cup in order finish making a pasta dish for dinner. I would never be that low on milk that I would have to do that to my son...nope, not me!

One morning this last week I did not just finish feeding my 5 month old just to have him puke all over our clean sheets. I definitely did not forget about said puke until bedtime and then sniff my sheets and think they don't smell bad there fine and sleep on puked on sheets...nope not me that would be disgusting!

While making baby food with a friend this week I did not move things off the counter top in order to have room and then realize a few seconds later that I set my plastic cutting board on the burner that was on melting the corner of it....not me I'm so focused I would never do that!

In order to get more sleep I did not move the boys' rooms around so my 5 month old would be farther away from me. That way when he wakes up at 3:30 in the morning I won't hear the conversations he has to himself in his crib...I would never do that I'm not sleep deprived!

Last but not least I did not open one of my son's tootsie roll candies from Halloween only to discover teeth marks on it and then shrug and still eat it...I would never eat my sons candy!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sitting Up

Jack is getting closer and closer to being able to sit up. He's is getting big SO fast. He can sit up pretty good when I wrap the boppy around him. He's got some strong tummy muscles that's for sure.

This morning I tried to have a photo session with Owen holding Jack. I want to go have their pictures taken together at Sears before Christmas so I was trying to get Owen to practice holding Jack, but it didn't work out very well. They ended up sitting side by side though.

Is that a snarl you see....yep take a closer look!

Face Grabbers

I love it when the boys get to the age where they can grab your face. It's just so sweet to feel their soft tiny hands reach out and hold you.

Owen 5 months old

Jack 5 months old

Let's Jump!

I took the Johnny Jump Up out this weekend to see if Jack would like it. The last time I tried he did not like it at all. He was okay with it this time, but it's not really his cup of tea yet. Owen on the other hand played in it forever. It's crazy that my almost 2 year old is still light enough to be able to go in it. The maximum weight for it is 24lbs. At this rate Owen will probably be able to go in it until he's almost 3!

I love this picture! One of the radio stations is having a weekly cute baby contest and this is the picture I'm going to submit for Owen. He's so handsome! Of course I submitted one of Jack's this one from a previous post.

Taste Test

So I decided to see what Jack would do with a little baby cereal. He wasn't nearly as repulsed by it as I thought he would be. He didn't really eat much, but he did get a taste. He's already had rice cereal and this morning I gave him oatmeal. Of course it's all very soupy so he can just suck it down. I'm getting in a super baby food making mood. I made baby carrots a while ago and they are in the freezer ready to go when Jack needs them. On Saturday I made banana baby food and I just bought three avocados so once they get ripe I'll smash those up and freeze them too. I sure hope that Jack is a better eater than Owen was/is!

I love the look Owen was giving Jack while I was feeding's like he's thinking, "Man, I have to share my food with him too!"

Not Me Monday

This is something that MckMama hosts over on her blog. If you'd like to list your Not Me's on your blog link them back to hers so we can all share in a good laugh!
This last week I most certainly did not use one of Jack's dirty socks as a tissue because there was no tissue in sight and my runny nose was about to drip...that would be totally disgusting.
On Thursday night I definitely did not eat Country Crock margarine on a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich at my SIL's house because they didn't have any spreadable butter...that stuff can kill you according to Dr. Oz so I did not do that!
On Saturday morning I did not say over and over in my head, "Michael get up with the kids so I can sleep in!" even though I knew my poor hard working husband had only had maybe 9 hours sleep in the last 48 hours...that would not make me a very nice wife now would it.
I did not stay mad at my husband for not getting up with the kids and then later have to apologize to him for being mad at him for no reason...that would be crazy of me!
Okay now it's your turn to be brutally honest if you dare!

I've been tagged!

Lisa over at My Journey Through Infertility tagged me to post 15 things that you all might or might not know about me so here I go...
1. I love the new show The Doctor's that comes on in the afternoon. I didn't know until this weekend that the main Dr. was one of The Bachelor's from the show on ABC...I won't hold that against him though.
2. I'm the one that does most of the driving. I'm such a control freak about it. Michael barely ever drives...thankfully he doesn't mind my obsession.
3. I love going to Value Village. We visited SouthCenter this weekend to see all the new stores and it was so completely overwhelming and repulsive. The thought of spending $70 on a shirt is just absolutely ridiculous to me. Plus I don't have that kind of money to spend on a shirt.
4. I love girly movies! Michael watched A Lot Like Love with me this weekend. He's such a wonderful husband!
5. I always wear slip on shoes. I have shoes that tie, but barely ever wear them. I love the conviences of just slipping them on and going.
6. I love whole percent milk and will probably never go back to drinking 2%.
7. I have only held two jobs...Safeway and Safeco.
8. I would love to work for the airlines...the benefits are awesome!!!
9. I'm planning on homeschooling my kids with the help from a friend of mine who wants to homeschool hers as well.
10. Before we had kids I promised Michael that when I became a stay at home mom I would get up with him every morning to make his breakfast and pack his lunch...hasn't happened! Sorry honey!
11. Since we've been married Michael and I have been to Disneyland 6 times and Disneyworld 1 time.
12. We are planning on going to Hawaii next May to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. We are going to rent a condo with my parents and the boys.
13. For our fifth wedding anniversary Michael and I took a cruise to fun!
14. We just recently got an ADT Security System installed because Michael's work van was broken into twice and I was freaked out.
15. We are currently looking for a new church...we've visited a couple so far.
Now it's my turn to tag other bloggers...
Scott from Craw Fu
Melody from They Call Me Mama

Friday, November 7, 2008

1st Annual Ornament Exchange

I'm participating in an ornament exchange over at The Accidental Traveler blog. If you want to participate simple visit her site and comment. Sounds like it's going to be fun!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

7 Daily Prayers

So I got this idea over at Angie Smith's blog. She has adapted 7 prayers to say daily over your children. I just love this idea. The other night I was laying in bed praying for Owen & Jack's future wives. I truly think it's important to pray about these things now. I want my boys to grow up depending on God and following him. So to help remind me to pray these 7 prayers I made business cards for each of the boys with their pictures on them and the different prayers. I'm going to laminate them and post them around the house where I'll see them and remember to pray. Hopefully I'll memorize them so eventually I won't even have to look at them. Here are two of the prayer cards I made....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fun With Food!!!

This site is doing a photo contest with food. I love this picture of Owen eating one of his teething biscuits. He LOVED those things. Plus I love that he got his side teeth before his front teeth. So cute!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Samantha Rae is 1 year old!

On Saturday night we went to Samantha's 1st birthday. She was so cute. She literally put her face in her cake. She didn't hold back at all. She LOVED it! I'll upload pictures if I get them.

After the party we got to go see the house and Michael's parents are renting with Jon, Becky, Camryn and Samantha. It's a great house and I can't wait to have Christmas there because there is tons of room for the kids to run around and play.

Halloween PJ's

The pictures of Owen in his PJ's didn't turn out good, but here's Jack in his cute PJ's that Ga-Ga & Pa bought him. It says "Baby's first Boo" on the front and "Boo" on the feet and bum. TOO CUTE!

Happy Halloween!!!

We spent Halloween with my parents this year. The new neighborhood they moved to is filled with kids so it was a lot of fun. My parent have always loved seeing the kids in their cute costumes and they definitely got more trick or treater's at their new house than they did at their old house . At first I wasn't even going to dress up the boys because we already had Halloween pajamas for them. I wasn't sure that Owen would even enjoy or understand the whole concept of trick or treating. But when I saw the monkey and bumble bee costumes at Walmart I just had to get them.

Owen's costume is a size 6 - 12 months and it fit him perfectly (He's 21 months old)...except the hat was a little tight. Owen gets annoyed with hats pretty easily though. Once we got outside he forgot about the hat and didn't try ripping it off anymore.

Owen walked to the first house, but after that Michael had to carry him. We went to about 7 house and then came back to my mom & dad's house.

The weather was so awesome for Halloween. Since my parents house is nestled in between two rivers the fog came into the neighborhood from the river and made it look all creepy. Plus it didn't rain a drop while we were out there and there was zero wind. It was a perfect night to be outside. Since it was so nice we just hung out on the porch waiting for the trick or treaters to come. Mom had candy packed in baggies for the kids so it was easy to hand out. We had well over a hundred kids come. Since we were out there Owen got to see the other kids and observe what they were doing. After he saw that he decided he should take off and try this whole trick or treating thing again. Michael decided to just follow him and see what he did. Owen walked out to the sidewalk and just kept going. He walked to the street behind my mom and dad's house all by himself. He walked right up to the first door and waited. Of course Michael was right behind him, but it was just amazing to me that he wasn't scared. After Michael and Owen were gone for a while I decided to call and see where they were. Michael had left the house without the candy bucket so I went to find them. While we were gone my mom and dad watched Jack for us.

What a cute little bumble bee!!!

When I caught up to Michael and Owen this is what I found. He was so cute and brave. I couldn't believe that he walked all by himself to the street behind my mom and dad's. The road is REALLY dark on the side of the house. When I was walking it to catch up to them I was actually RUNNING not walking and I was clutching my cell phone. SCARY!!! Anyways Owen did so great. I think he went to 20 house or so and he really enjoyed it. We kept asking him to say trick or treat and he did say it one time. He also got to see some dogs while we were out and he almost kissed one. After we were done of course he got to eat candy and stay up late. It was the best Halloween I've had in a long time. It's so much fun to see things new through your kids eyes. I did get a little sad though because he was being so independent and I know it's only the beginning!